
From: James Chapin <>
Date: Fri, 10 Dec 1999 13:10:25 -0500

Message text written by

">So keep the names! By now they have deep historical and legendary

Like what?"

Like the fact that people have been using many of them for more than two decades?

We don't need a "Minarian Memory Removal" at this point. Especially because any attempt to make the names "logical" would end up with a "coherence" of names that would be false to what names really are, in their random splendor. Look at just the New England states: Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island (which is not an island), Connecticut. No one, sitting down and trying "rationally" to think of names that should be there would have come up with such a list.

The fact that maps don't always agree with each other or are not always on the same scale does not mean that we have to throw out everything and start all over. That's the nature of maps until satellite technology was developed. The Soviets even had a city ion their maps that was deliberately placed 11 miles from where it actually was, in order to mislead enemies.

Personally, I was always more irritated at the mysterious "yellow east," rational "feudal west," black "southern continent" with jungles and deserts, and a center which is essentially the "Middle East" aspect of Glorantha. I find that far more off-putting than Swenstown or Tada's High Tumulus.

Jim Chapin

End of The Glorantha Digest V7 #215

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