Flying things

From: Jon Thorvaldson <>
Date: Thu, 6 Jan 2000 12:03:20 +0100


>>>Wind chidren
>>>Giant birds
>>>Giant insects
>>Wings (so what if it's impossible by Terran standards?).
>OK. I'm still wondering on the origin of wings and how they make
>flight possible.
>Would a strong human fly with well imitated Wind children's wing ?

Yes, but he could not just strap wings to his arms and take off. He had to know the Secret of Flying, from a Wind Child, an air spirit, a Hero Quest or whatever.

>>>Leonardo's flying machine
>Not by RW standards. Some magic must be involved somewhere.

IMO, yes, of course. Science is a different (new/old?) sort of magic that leonardo the scientist has 'discovered'.

>I don't like the idea RW inventions working in Glorantha. It gets
>PC out of controls really fast.

It need not work as RW science does. And, naturally, you have to know the secret lore of science to be able to use it, just as a praxian theist worshipper cannot use sorcery without first learning its secrets.

>>>(Boggles ?)
>>Never studied the Law of Gravity and so remain in ignorance
>>of its principles.
>I love that one very much. It reminds me TOONS and of Roadrunner
>going into tunnels painted by Coyote. Is there a Trickster myth
>with this trick ?

There ought to be... :-)

Jon Thorvaldson

"Hige sceal the heardra, heorte the cenre, mod sceal the mare the ure męgen lytladh."

        -The Battle of Maldon, lines 312-313.

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