Aeolian Summary

From: Nick Brooke <>
Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2000 07:50:25 -0000

Andreas writes:

> I've been trying to follow the discussion about Aeolians and a lot
> of other Kethaela (or Heortland) related stuff, but I'm beginning
> to lose my grip on the discussion. More often than not it's a lot
> of small paragraphs and then another persons longer discussion about
> that small subject. I tend to forget what the first perosn was saying
> just a few postings away.

        [Much Sympathy]
> I feel like all this is pretty interesting, especially since I have
> a hard time understanding what Heortland and Aeolianism really is
> like. Anyone care to summarize the recent discussions?

There are two diverging and seemingly irreconcilable views, expounded by Peter Metcalfe and Joerg Baumgartner:


Aeolians are basically Malkioni		Aeolians are kinda Orlanthi with
and aren't really Orlanthi.			some Malkioni elements tacked on.

Aeolians are an urban underclass		Aeolians are integrated into all
disliked by the theist Orlanthi of		levels of Heortland society, with
Heortland. They aren't farmers.		Aeolian nobles a powerful faction.

They may be a God Learner foundation	Aeolians were founded by Arkat
(via the Machine City Zistorites).		at the end of the First Age.

Rokari aren't persecuting Aeolians,		Zealous Rokari persecute Aeolians
and are supported by some of them.		as stinking Stygian heretics.

The Bishop of Nochet has always been	The Bishop of Nochet has only
seen as leader of the Aeolian faith		become important with the Rokari
(though now he's a Rokari).			conquest of Heortland.

Heortland Orlanthi are basically		Sartarite Orlanthi emigrated due
similar to Sartarite Orlanthi in		to dislike of Heortland practices
their outlook and prejudices.			(including their Aeolianism).

The most useful expression of Peter's position is in V7#273 ("Accordingly, I would group the three main groups of Malkioni in Heortland as follows...").

Joerg's views have appeared intermittently on this list for more than five years, and are (I believe) on his webpage, doubtless included in many lists of links (such as the one at

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