Nochet bishopric

From: Peter Metcalfe <>
Date: Fri, 14 Jan 2000 19:22:00 +1300

Joerg Baumgartner:

>>>What prevents the Nochet bishop from going out of his way to
>>>impress the Ecclesiarch in Leplain (hoping to earn a more
>>>influential see closer to his family's power base)?

Me>> He would be giving over the control of Aeolians (who are supposed
>> to be most of his flock) over to somebody else!

>Are the Aeolians the most dear part of his flock?

I didn't say that. I said they were most of his flock. Even if he does think the Aeolians are pond-slime, they at least pay him some tithe and he would be loathe to give that up to somebody else without compensation.

>I doubt it. Nochet is home to several Malkioni sects, including the sect
>which threw out Vistikos Left-eye.

Erm, we are talking about the Malkioni Bishopric of which there is only one known bishop, identified as the "Malkioni Bishop of Nochet" in our source. If there any other types of resident Malkioni in Nochet that do not owe allegiance to the Bishop, then you should spell out who they are and not just state this as a bald fact.

>Probably there was a "one bishop per see" policy enforced by the
>Jrusteli, but with the Closing I'd expect the united faith to
>return to squabbling sects again.

I don't know of multiple bishops per bishopric anywhere within post-God Learner Malkionism. Having one bishop in a region is a bloody good idea as it keeps your Malkioni happy and removes any scope for religious disputes. Even when you are not a Malkioni, it still makes sense to adopt this policy. A good RW example would be how the Ottomans treated their subject Christians - they even went so far as to abolish the office of the Serbian Patriarch and placed the Orthodox Serbs under control of the Patriarch at Constantinople.

>I find it fairly likely that the Pharaoh would tolerate a bishop from
>an allied nation who would pay a handsome gift to gain the bishopric
>over a couple of unrelated sects.

The alliance was never all that strong and merely consisted of pirate suppression AFAIK. Moreover the Bishop would be one of the peers of your own society and that's something that you don't entrust to foreigners.

>Malkioni groups had to include the Mangod in their venerations, I
>suppose, perhaps a "Prester John come to rule us", but that doesn't mean
>that he enforced a strict hierarchy or unified the local variations of

I never said he enforced a strict hierarchy etc. I did say that he was the spiritual head of the loosely organized Aeolians. Simply make him in charge of the "Mangod" venerations and you have an excellent reason for placing all believing Malkioni under his authority.

>> Damned little influence in any case. The Ecclesiarch has about as
>> much influence as the Pope has with the French or the Venetians
>> throughout much of their history.

>Like during the Catharian crusades?

Which is by no means representative of Papal-French relations "throughout much of their history".

>Unlike France, the Quinpolis is not
>a united strong centralist kingdom (that's the Ecclesiarch's home
>country), but rather a confederation of (recently) wealthy princes
>(reminiscent of the lowlands of Flanders).

Nevertheless these wealthy princes can manifest a coherent policy against the wishes of the religious superiors, pretty much like Venice did. The Venetian initiative that put a Latin Emperor in Constantinople certainly expanded the spread of the Roman Catholic Church for a short while but the Pope was less than impressed.

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