Lunars in Prax

From: David Cake <>
Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2000 09:16:48 +0800

>I should have qualified my original statement as I meant there's
>probably a very wise idea why the Lunars don't use Chaotic Magic
>in Prax. Given that you've just demolished the "Awaken the
>Devil", the reason's probably something like:

        Perhaps too overt use of chaos could turn their Sable allies against them? The sables are a Praxian tribe with Storm Bulls too - and I don't recall anything that says the Sables are particularly soft on chaos other than their alliance with the Lunars.

        Certainly, I think if the Lunars where too overtly chaotic it would be much more likely to result in the tribes allying against them. Which is all that is necessary for the Praxians to win.



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