
From: Mikael Raaterova <>
Date: Thu, 27 Jan 2000 23:47:51 +0100

Re: the greg-induced confusion about Balazar's God, Nick commented:
>Looks like a typically heavy-handed attempt to rewrite history. Why does he

C'mon Nick, embrace revision and the NWO. After all, the lunars rewrite history daily, so why can't you?


Said sensible things. I'll go with that.

>So there's a division between the Sun Dome worshippers: the
>traditionalists (mainly found in Peloria) call him Tharkantus
>and the Orlanthi call him Yelmalio. When Balazar settled
>Votankiland, he was a worshipper of Tharkantus although he
>was not adverse to having Yelmalions in his temple.

There could have been quite a lot of various Sun and Son-of-the-Sun cults around at various times, all lovingly labelled 'Yelmalio' in earlier sources. Which could be the basis and justification for all the 'Mountain Sun', 'Cold Sun', 'Elmal Orlanththrall', 'Elmal Ernaldaspouse', 'Winter Sun' Elmal/Yelmalio heterodoxies floating around (in Far Point at least, and in various fanzines).

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