Re: HW rules discussion

Date: Tue, 15 Feb 2000 14:46:45 EST

Timothy Byrd:

<< Since it contains no examples, I didn't see how one goes from "hurt" to
"injured", for
 example. >>

      IIRC, you don't; the effects aren't cumulative and are only applied when the fight is over.

Theo Posselt:

<< In sum I'd say: roleplaying good, combat bad. >>

     I'd be inclined to agree, although I'm also somewhat unique on the Digest in not feeling at all enthused by the character generation system either.

<< Currently my group is contemplating grafting RQ combat and HW character
creation &
 non-combat together; whether this unholy merger would work is another question.>>

     I wouldn't imagine its all that easy to merge the two together, but I'm sure its possible. I suspect a lot of people will be doing something similar, and hopefully some of them will post details of their attempts and any pitfalls/successes encountered on the HW Rules Digest once it is born (or here on the GD, for that matter). But you'll likely have to wait a while, as AFAIK nobody with a copy of the full rules has yet tried creating such a hybrid.

Keith Nellist:

<<So is this how multiple opponents still works? I am not quite clear exactly
what happens if, say, the archers lose 180AP. Do they lose a number of archers in some way? >>

     Yes, basically. If there's ten of them, with 18AP each, each 18AP they lose (from the 180) is another archer out of the contest in some way. What particular way obviously depends on how exactly the target is resisting them...

Ilav Topix:

<<BTW: where are the rules to convert past characters (RQ3) to HW heroes (or
should I say "upgrade"?).>>

     I don't think anyone's written any yet; you'll likely have to wait until the rules are published before someone does so. Mind you, all you'll really be able to do is provide a comparison chart for RQ percentages v HW target numbers. Since there are no fixed stats such as STR, POW and so forth, in HW, you're just going to be making up the names of the HW abilities anyway, and each character will be a special case. Heck, you could simply say 'describe your RQ character in 100 words or less' and generate a HW character sheet from the resulting description - it'd probably be more accurate than trying to use rules to convert them, in at least some respects.

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