Morale Points

From: Ilav Topix <>
Date: Wed, 16 Feb 2000 11:11:26 GMT

Hi to everybody,

>From: Steve Lieb <>
>Subject: HW-Rules list


The HW-Theo-Martin and others issue on combat and archers and betting leads me to this idea:
The most difficult factor to apply in all combat simulations I played at is Morale.
It heavily affects real battles, skirmishes and even melee and duels, but... In CoC you had to introduce the artificial factor (a genius idea, IMO) of Sanity Points to help in making your players really scared about what their characthers actually met.

What about something similar in HW/RQ? Morale Points could be based on an essay I read years ago about warhammer and Rout Rules. I devised a RQ3 rulesystem for Rout rules and Warcraft skill, designed to translate two largely ignored factors: Morale and Leader's Charisma in my Glorantha game.

I made little playtest myself, because the opportunity to fight battles with 50 opponents or more do not abund in my campaign. But I suppose that, with the wise (?) Digesters' help, we could resolve something good starting with them.

Am I encouraged to post them or does this topic matters very little to the vast majotiry of you?
Let me know.


>Andrew Larsen asked:
> > 1) If Issaries traded away one of his Trade/Communication runes to
> > Argan Argar, what did he get in return?
>Access to the Black Market?
>(Or: a lifetime supply of Trollkin Urine -- that priceless commodity?)
To whom it may concern: perhaps Andrew deserved a more complex answer than this one (provided it - the answer- still made me laugh, mind you).
> Now you've lost me... KAP?

count me among the losses...

>enemies until their enemies are utterly destroyed. gian, ask yourself what
>would machiavelli do? root and branch.

Why do I feel utterly provoked by this rethorical question to a person whom I hardly know and by a person I know even less ;-) (Read on, Loren: a friendly advice 8))

>oy les francophones,

Aside: This one made me think in a really bad way to what I could do, provided I were a less decent person than I am...

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