DHn sexcapades | Orlanthi lurrve | Prax

From: Theo Posselt <tposselt_at_dttus.com>
Date: 25 Feb 2000 19:58:33 -0600

     Thanks to Keith for giving me someone to talk to...

> This seems to me to be a good source of both female Adventurers
> ("those bastards threw me out, now I am a sword for hire") and for
> Lunar Levitating Bald Chicks.("those bastards threw me out, but now
> I'm the Examiner for Kostaddi"
Good hooks! If the DHn culture is really as sexist and patriarchal as I described it, one can just imagine the collision between it and Lunar culture (which, after all, is majority female in terms of the gods it worships). >> Female children are treated as household servants-in-training by >> the men. Infanticide is, however, not practiced.
> I don't see why Dara Happans would avoid Infanticide. They seem more
> likely candidates than most, especially for those not of Yelmic
> descent, or those "impure" in some way.
My thought on this is two-fold: 1. Since Yelm was one of the first victims of Death (?) I would assume his culture would be very focussed on the sanctity of life. 2. Yelmic culture would seem very rule-bound, and so laws against killing would be enforced across all conditions - ie, no fuzziness at the extremes of age. Following this view, btw, I imagine Yelmic culture is very anti-abortion. But really on this issue I could go either way, so long as all of the rules were zealously enforced. >> Traditional DHn culture has no representational sexuality. There >> was male nudity in statues, but no female nudity.
> I do not agree that the Dara Happan have nude statues; IMO the
> Pelandans do, the Darsenites, the Darjiini, etc but NOT the Dara
> Happan who invented civilisation after all.
In this case I see the DHn male nude as being very desexualized, and as being more a representation of physical 'perfection' than being a real model of a real person. So I would expect that the nude form would be very stylized, and probably never modeled on a real person. I should say that I know almost nothing about the other cultures mentioned in this last message. ======================= ORLANTHI On to Alex's comment
> Allegedly though, it's not the homosexual 'slur' per se that's the
> mortal insult, it's the imputation of 'passivity'. i.e., had the
> insult been "you use the Troll of that mountain like a woman every
> fortnight", then it would be no worse in principle than an
> accusation of poor taste...
Hmm... I can see some cultures definitely taking this view - that it's the active/passive split that matters, not the actual gender who's playing opposite you. But like Alex said, there's a blurry boundary between this viewpoint and misogyny. I'm not sure if a non-misogynous culture would view the world this way. Since there seems to be consensus that (all) Orlanthi culture is (relatively) non-misogynous, I'm not sure that they'd take this viewpoint. As Alex said in his next post 'they're fairly open-minded about people who do not conform to their gender stereotype'. This doesn't seem describe a group of people who would heavily criticize a man for being another's 'woman' - if they discriminate against homosexual behavior, surely they do it against both parties involved. Did that statement make sense? ============================== PRAX On to a new culture (now if only someone could do Kralorela). I think the post is excellent in general, Andrew. It certainly makes nomadic sense. One question:
> Praxian art is probably more abstract than that, but certainly
> contains figures with enormous breasts and penises.
So, sexual art aside, what in general is Praxian art like? Cave drawings, little statues of extremely fat women? Theo ------------------------------

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