IMO, I cannot analogue of their order of kingdom of ignorance in RW except
as Spanish Empire.
(Vile entity Can Shu)
modern military comquest to Tibet is my dislike analogue.
>>Wraith the Oblivion Idea and DreamMagic Idea (Waking Magician) : shadow
>Not sure what you mean here.
ghost world exists as constant risk of mundane power and ignorance from enlightenment
GROY composition=Writing Sutra composition
1)cosmology 2)enthronement 3)justification of War
five sacred classics of China: Writing Sutra, Poetic Sutra, FortuneTelling Sutra, Etiquette Sutra, Classic History of early war age... (of course, Sutra is Indian Word, but I cannot find appropriate word for Europians: Indians are same Aryans for linguistical term.
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