Of course, you're right. Why didnt it occur to me ?!? Murrion Redbeard the Fiscalist... I like it ! Wish I had thought of it.
> But OT polemics aren't.
Yep, sorry. ("Off-topicry is always an option." "There is always another way." :) ;) :)
> (I'm also a bit bothered by the recent gun-nuttery here, but if we ignore
> it, it'll go away).
Aw, come on Nick, wasn't the following splendidly OT (on-topic) ?!?
"A well-regulated fyrd being necessary for the security of a free tribe, the right of the Heortlings to keep & bear Humakt, Hastatus, Elmal, Babeester, Sagittus & Arran, shall not be infringed."
Second article of the so-called "Bill of Limitations" that the people of Dragon Pass extracted from king Argrath on Orlanth' High Holy Day 1691.
Christoph Kohring, not an arkati-shaman-trickster: just a trickster. ;)
"A well-educated population being necessary for the welfare of a peaceful kingdom, the right of the sartarites to keep & bear quills & parchments, shall not be infringed."
Murrion Readbeard the Fiscalist shortly before his banishment c. 1648...
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