Re: Grazelanders and Vendref

From: Joerg Baumgartner <>
Date: Fri, 24 Mar 2000 18:30:49 +0000

Richard Develyn:

>> what is the southern boundary of the Grazelands. I've
>> seen conflicting evidence in Trollpak and the Holy Country Map
>> as to whether it goes down as far as the Building Wall (the
>> other side of Runnel River).

>> And how close does it get to the Shadow Plateau?

David Dunham

> If I recall correctly, it's pretty much down to the Building Wall. > It's hard to get past that...

I guess that is correct for Grazer hunters, warriors and occasionally herders as well. On the other hand, I suppose the Vendref are restricted to the territory marked as yellow on the Dragon Pass boardgame map, which is considerably further north.

The reason is that it would be too easy even for the Esrolian border people to raid the Vendref intruding into their territory to bare bones, as they present sitting targets. For trolls as well. Roving nomads (or semi-sedentary horse warlords pretending at being nomads) are harder to hit, and have an easier time to hit. For what it's worth, I think that the Building Wall line hasn't always been the northern border of the Esrolian northern marches.

The territory north of it would have suffered its share of raids, but as many would have gone further south. With the wall set up, all of a sudden most raids were forced to stop north of it, and those farmers not carried off to replenish Vendref stock would have packed up and moved south of the wall. On the other hand, the Grazers would not have had the temerity to keep Vendref within the sight (or easy raiding distance) of the wall. Much of the land has become as abandoned as the Bush Range between Tarsh and the Dragon River.

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