Oriflam translated it as "Le roi de Sartar" & it's still there on the shelves of the gameshops. (I don't know if it is out-of-print but I still see it in the shops...) As it is a book, you can also order it from any bookshop. Greg Stafford is its author.
As for the english edition, Issaries has just reprinted it & you can get it from Wizard's Attic by mail order. Go & see the products listing on http://www.Glorantha.com . Of course, any bookshop in France can also order it for you but it will take a long time & "ça va te coûter bonbon" !
Greg Stafford. "King of Sartar: The Mystery of Argrath; How One Man Became a God. Chronicling the Conquest of Dragon Pass." Oakland, CA: Issaries, Inc. (Chaosium, Inc.), 1992 (First ed. & first printing by Chaosium, later ones nominally by Issaries). ISBN 1-929052-00-6. Chaosium Publication # 4500. $ 19.95 .
Dare I say it's a great read even if at first many of us were puzzled & infuriated by it ?!? It's like a good wine, it gets better as it gets older... And there is this great typo on page 48, "The Startar Dynasty". (Thanks Rick for the info.) The Kingdom of STARtar ! Yes !
"She Stars are right ! Why Choose the Lesser Argrath ? Kallyr Starbrow the Liberatrix for Prince of STARtar !" Spread the meme !
Salut à tous les francophones du Digest !
Christoph Kohring, route de St-Légier 73, CH-1806 St-Légier VD, Suisse
Pro Glorantha saepe pro Orlanth semper !!! ;)
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