Re: Newts and Newties

Date: Wed, 29 Mar 2000 15:38:01 EST

Gian Gero:

<< What's the relationship (all over Glorantha) between Dragonewts and Newtlings? From some books I inferred they are related or at least used to work together as combined races. Also the superior stages of newtling evolution could possibly be related (as dinosaurs and magisaurs are) with proto-dragonewt beings... Is the population of 'newts cities augmented by blocks inhabited by newtlings?? >>

      Newtlings are frequently used as slaves by the dragonewts, so one would certainly find them together in the same communities. According to their own mythology, they are unrelated to dragonewts, and created from mud, possibly by Flesiska the Great Amphibian. Some human scholars do believe the two races to be connected, presumably because they look rather similar, and often live together. Even if the newtlings are wrong about their own origin (which I see no reason to suppose), there is no evidence of the kind of direct relationship with dragonewts that magisaurs have, for example.

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