Standing Rathori

From: Joerg Baumgartner <>
Date: Thu, 06 Apr 2000 21:31:42 +0000

Martin Laurie:

> I do think however that they would have been hired enmasse
> on several occasions and told to "stand over there in
> a big clump please" and this would not be beyond them given that:

> a). They know how to stand

I'm not exactly a student of military history, but having been force-fed on Caesar in the course of learning Latin, I can't help but remember that the side which could make their barbarian allies stand rather than rush the foe often gained a significant tactical advantage. (Unless the rush was successful beyond all odds.) Don't take standing for granted...

But barbarian auxilaries are great fun because they cause almost as much trouble to the "owning" side as to the enemy. If there was a Carmanian or Carmanian-like presence west of the Sweet Sea prior to the Ban, they would have had Rathori or Jonating auxiliaries. We don't know much about what was locked up in Charg (and know even less about what will emerge).

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