bearly on topic

From: Steve Lieb <>
Date: Fri, 7 Apr 2000 15:32:31 -0500

> >I suppose I could point out that no foot army ever successfully
> >penetrated the steppe in the RW.
> Since I deny the Rathori muster in foot armies, this isn't
> quite a fatal objection that it appears...

Curiouser and curiouser. I can't imagine the Rathori being anything BUT foot troops?

First, as I'd mentioned before, I don't think the Rathori raid the Char un for a number of reasons, but my contentious nature doesn't prevent me from nosing in a little:
If first we have:
> Remounts says it all, doesn't it? The average nomadic clan is
> not going to be able to outfit all its riders with remounts,
> considering that excess ridable horses are usually surrendered
> to another clan bigger than you.

But then:

> Since the CharUn use their horses for food, very few of the
> hoofprints represent a mounted rider. And they would be able
> to tell by the depth of the hoofprints whether it carries a
> rider or not.

If the Char Un use them for food, and most of the hoofprints represent beasts sans riders, doesn't that mean that they'd have LOTS of remounts? Even considering that many might be swayback nags...

Anyway, I still don't think it's worth it to raid the Char Un.

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