My interpretation is that Monster Man is a cult of collective peasant power, Gorgorma is more personal.
Monster Man will help the peasants rise up and overthrow a bad lord, but he is not interested in helping a single person claim their personal revenge, and Gorgorma is. Gorgorma will, however, generally enthusiastically join in a peasant rebellion if it gets going.
> >But as an earth goddess, Dendara is already protected by Babeester Gor.
>Babeester Gor is an Orlanthi Goddess while Dendara is in the
>Pelorian pantheon, which does not include Babeester Gor. The
>worship of Babeester is not universal across Genertela.
And to add to Peters remarks - Dendara isn't really an Earth goddess, either - our understanding of her and the Pelorian pantheon has changed a bit since GOG was published. Not only is Babeestor Gor not a part of the Pelorian pantheon, if she was, she wouldn't necessarily defend Dendara, but Oria.
Cheers David ------------------------------
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