Re: White Bears

From: Robert McArthur <>
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2000 11:51:31 +1000 wrote:
>...good comments deleted...

> It comes, as always, with no warning: the cry of a man, the
> shrill scream of a horse. Kalikashi turns, seeing only the
> last struggle of hooves and one horrible flash of white.
> Then, for the briefest of moments, she sees it, ruddy in
> the last light of the day. Bigger than a man, bigger even
> than the horses of the moon people, it rears on its hind legs
> like a gopher. It looks so improbable, almost comical.
> Kalikashi gasps, half-way between a laugh and a sob. For an
> instant only, then the beast is gone, slipping below a low
> rise in the rolling plain.
I'm afraid the idea of such people comparing the polar bear to a gopher raises the laughter in me more than fear. Perhaps use another analogy :-) Robert ------------------------------

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