Large Rathori raiding bands?

From: Joerg Baumgartner <>
Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2000 20:49:52 +0000

Dave "Yak" Pearton:

> The society of the totemic has a significant effect on the human
> society. I'm not saying that they behave completely like bears,
> but there is a significant effect. They hibernated for goodness
> sake. They will certainly be less prone to gather in large
> groups than, for example, the uncolings or the pralori or even
> the Telmori. So, yes, their raids are more like a few hunters
> opportunistically looking for easy targets and a bit of quick
> loot rather that large numbers of warriors swooping down on
> fortified settlements to burn and pillage like the vikings.

Massed Rathori raiding sounds a bit like salmon season, when all the bears gather to prey on the plenty in the river valley. Not really co-operative, but all together, and in masses.

Rathori cannot be too close to the bear model, or they would have scarcely any society. They are that much human that they group together, and their custom of the uncle teaching the children is hardly bear-like.

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