> THE EMPEROR'S PROXIES each think that they are the Emperor, unless Moonson
> himself is telling one of them otherwise. When an Emperor dies, the Proxies
> assume one of their Proxies has died, and that they must continue ruling;
> they then see "rival" Proxies as false claimants to be put down. I prefer to
> think of the Proxy Wars as a Horrible Mistake between equally-loyal,
> equally-Lunar factions, myself. Note that Moonson Argenteus is not known to
> have active Proxies, though again this could be a good campaign twist.
> (Note that most people in the Empire don't know what's happening in the
> highest Imperial circles, including some of the people in those circles. The
> interregnal period between recognised Masks of Moonson is thus terribly
> confusing for people used to doing what Moonson tells them to. And when
> confusing things happen, we get good game stuff out of it).
Fascinating stuff - love it.
What are the Emperor's Proxies ? I don't think I've heard of them. Can you
expand on that ?