Re: Ruling the Empire

From: Alexandre Lanciani <>
Date: Fri, 14 Apr 2000 11:14:04 +0200


[The Emperor]
> Due to his demigod status, he is not
> worshipped on a widespread level.

        I thought that to become an Imperial Citizen you had to become at least a lay member of the Emperor Cult. Now that this widespread Emperor Cult doesn't exist anymore, is Citizenship just a mundane status?

        BTW, I liked the idea of the Emperor as the focus of the people's love for his mother. I guess that now the Body of the Goddess takes care of that, or am I wrong?

> He has never been a human and is not an avatar (though he does
> contain parts
> of Yelm). When he dies, he is reborn in the Empire whole. The
> Egi act as a
> kind of recharge and reform system, a holding pattern that brings the
> Emperors various soul parts back together and energises the mix.
> The length
> of time this takes depends on the damage he took. When the Egi were
> clobbered by Sheng, it changed the way he was reformed, so that
> his Mask was
> different every time, which was more Lunar and suited his purposes and is
> part of his transformation powers.

        So the Emperor is all the members of the Egi at the same time? Who are the members of the Egi? I thought that the Emperor was a normal child of the Goddess, before her full apotheosis, who was deified later. On the contrary you seem to imply that the Emperor is a magical creation of the Goddess, sort of an embodiment for the Egi. Is this right?

> He can also create Proxies. This is done through his cult. His small
> devotee group are given part of his power. There are many
> Proxies possible.
> Argenteus has a Golden Proxy to deal with the Raibanth crowd. He
> also has a
> war Proxy called the Iron Proxy to deal with warfare and all that
> other nasty
> stuff. Note, that when he gives Proxy status to someone he _loses_ those
> skills until the Proxy is revoked in a ritual or through death. This can
> cause trouble. Too many Proxies also weakens the Emperor seriously.

        Are members of the Presidium (if it still exists) eligible/bred to become proxies? Say, Bellex Maximus looks like the perfect Iron Proxy.

        Thanks Martin and Nick for the useful ideas - I hope I understood them!



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