I hadn't actually thought of the Languages as her children, more her inventions. Although I do imagine that the story varies a lot depending on who tells it. The Eurmali version tends to depict Issaries as a love-addled fool, LM as a jealous and lecherous old father, and Mother Language as a sex-starved young woman, with Eurmal being the brave hero, of course. The Issarion and Lankhor Mhyte versions emphasize the more sober and serious ideas.
The flowers idea works well, too.
>2) It really adds a lot to the relationship between LM and Issaries to
>make them father and son -in-law. Accounts for a lot that does.
I can't really take credit for that one. The Issaries write-up in River of Cradles specifies that he had a child by Mother Language, a Lankhor Mhy spirit, and I seem to remember somewhere else a reference to LM as Issaries's father in law.
Does anyone else out there have myths for some of the other Orlanthi gods, suitable for heroquesting?
Andrew E. Larsen
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