>This would be fine, except that Glorantha already has a Pharoah that does
>this, so simply repeating this for the Lunar Empire is a Big Yawn.
Okay, I'll forget it then, I agree with your point. I didn't like it that much myself, but was searching for a compromise.
As a caveat to your "big yawn" comment, I feel precisely the same way about the whole noble becomes Emperor and is given divine powers routine. It's been done before in the RW and in Glorantha. I think it would be a far more interesting Empire if the Emperor was singular and was _not_ replaced in the manner described in the Moonson LARP. YGMV.
>As I said before, we already have way-cool, MGFly resonant GAG covering the
>Red Emperor, his succession and his court.
Its funny but I feel exactly the same way about the singular RE concept. I think its packed with MGF (to steal your term) and is way cool (to steal another).
>Glorantha is supposed to be a
>weird, wonderful magically diverse place. Why knock out a carbon copy of
>another region's politico-magical structure when there's already an
>entertaining, *popular* model in place?
You're right. I dislike the Belintar cloning. Consider it dumped. BTW, its because G is so rich and magical that I'm in favour of a divine singular RE and less in favour of a RW political motivation behind direct succession for the RE.
>Unless Belintar is going to be next victim of a "rethink"?
Not my department.
Keith N:
>(is it just me or do others always associate Egi with Scambled Egi on Toast,
>Boiled Egi with Hoplite, Egi Bread, and Fried Egi, Egi on Face, Chicken
>before the Egi.....
>>Or quarter Egis with cheese?
>In the case of His Imperial Highness, surely it would have to be a "Royale
>with Cheese"?
That's only because the Empire uses the metric system.
Martin Laurie
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