The Red Emperor reforms at some point after death
He may be weak
Others may have powers he previously gave them
Others may have powers they nicked from him - heroquesting, etc.
He may even have a previous history, although its not really his.
Nearly everyone can't tell whether its him or not.
Apologies, Martin, if I've got something wrong.
If this is right, then the Red Emperor - the real, singular one - could actually have been sidelined for years now. He is, in fact, a sad, rather pathetic figure, wandering the outer edges of the Empire, trying to find anyone who'll believe him - "But I *AM* the Red Emperor" "Sure you are, I'm Jar-El, and this is Prince Argrath..."
Meanwhile, the totally fake Red Emperor is closer to the model so beloved by many a grizzled old glorantha-phile.
Alternatively, everyone claims to be the Red Emperor (altogether now, "No, I'm Spartacus") and if the wrong one gets in, but does a good job, the real one waits for him to pass on before taking over, for the good of the empire. Doubtless, the fake one's spirit is absorbed into the real one at this point.
Seriously though, the problem I have is this all smacks too much of mono-mythic certainty. If no one can tell whether this guy is the real red emperor or not, why specify he is? Why not have a nice ambiguity over whether the propoganda machine (Red Emperor - one size fits all) or the Life of Moonson (if you win, well obviously you always were the Red Emperor). It ain't like its going to matter to most people's games. Even Martin has said the main reason is that "as a GM its nice to know." Actually, as a GM having published sources that aren't too specific is even nicer...
Superstition, idolatry, and hypocrisy have ample wages, but truth goes a-begging.
Martin Luther
End of The Glorantha Digest V7 #575
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