Nicks analysis

Date: Wed, 3 May 2000 13:38:03 EDT

I'm replying to this one but will hopefully reply to others when able to.

>If I understand his posts correctly, Martin Laurie believes that:
>(A) When a Mask dies, a new one "naturally" appears (just like that:
>*bing*), already possessing the soul of Takenegi. No rituals or heroquests
>are necessary to bring this about. As soon as this new Mask appears, there
>is obviously no contest, and everyone loyal rallies round to support him.

"bing". LOL. Yes, that would be one interpretation. I'm not sure how he appears, as yet but it does seem to be sudden.

>(B) The Emperor's Body is a magical thing which "just appears" at the same
>time as the new and singular incarnation of Takenegi. It doesn't look like
>anyone in particular. And it *certainly* hasn't had a prior life (unlike,
>say, Doskalos or Teelo Norri). It appears out in the boonies, "proving" that
>it can't possibly be a powerful noble or similar figure. (After all, none of
>the powerful nobles in the Empire are aware that the Red Goddess herself
>first manifested out in the boonies...)

If one hold that he appears and take that as literal, then yes, that is the case. It is a manifestation of his self. Like any god he can manifest in differing places, often without the need of others to help him to so.

>(C) Until the new Mask appears, there is *usually* no contest (although the
>forthcoming Secession Crisis will differ in this respect), because everyone
>is waiting for the New, Singular and Easily Identifiable Mask to manifest
>itself, without this manifestation requiring any input or effort on their
>behalf. High-up Lunars do not think they should be doing anything practical
>to assist in the reincarnation of their Emperor: they merely wait and see.

To a point, yes. My caveat is that many people see the disappearance of the Emperor as an opportunity as there is no guarantee he will come back. As the Masks after Sheng came back more regularly, I think that the potential revolts and attempts at installing another Emp have diminished as the political reality of confronting a returning Emperor sunk in over time. They (the nobility) have become believers in the inevitiablilty of his return, which is why the final death of the Emperor is such a shock. I think the HW will show that this was a deliberate effort by some groups to destroy the Empires cohesion, frustrated as they are by its stability.

>Powerful nobles in the Lunar Empire never have political or selfish motives
>for doing anything during an interregnum, nor would they dare act upon them
>if they did because they know that when the True Emperor returns, they will
>be discovered and punished.

Depends what they do. I think that Dart Wars take on another dimension at these times and there is much change and anticipation

>(D) Opposition to the new Mask once he appears is, ipso facto, treachery.
>There are no plausible alternative candidates whom anyone sensible and loyal
>would support: their backers really *are* trying to resurrect Gbaji, or
>break up the Empire, or knowingly support a False Proxy.


>(E) The Tests serve to confirm that the One True Emperor is who he says he
>is. He is in no way changed by undergoing the Tests. He goes into them with
>the Self of Takenegi and the Soul of Antirius, and comes out the other side
>the same way. There is, in a very real sense, no contest. Nobody else could
>ever complete the Tests. Thus nobody ever tries to and fails. Anybody else
>who attempted the Tests would be (ipso facto) a traitor, or a madman.

People can change the tests. Sheng nearly succeeded in placing an Emperor on the throne. However, what you say is pretty much right IMO, with some caveats of trivial nature.

>(F) The Interregnal period includes a time when Moonson is apparently
>"gone", and a time when Moonson is fully reincarnated in a new Mask and
>wandering around Peloria brushing aside traitors and waiting to pass the
>Tests again. There is no "in-between" state. The interregnum ends when the
>new Mask has completed the Tests, but in fact Moonson has been around all
>along. His re-integration happens "off-stage", and normal humans (and
>priests, politicians, heroquesters, etc.) don't have anything to do with it.

Yep. Well put.

>Is that a fair summary of where we differ?

Yes it is.

>As an addendum to my post "Interregnum", please note:
>I said that in Martin Laurie's version, it appeared that
> (D) Opposition to the new Mask once he appears is, ipso facto, treachery.

>This would also be true in my account. The difference is, in my account the
>new Mask does not appear until the *end* of the interregnum; in Martin's
>version, it appears that he is in there fighting, already recognisable as
>"Fully Takenegi and Truly Moonson", without any plausible (or
>well-intentioned) Lunar opposition to his claim being possible.

He is not always recognised immediately IMO, though he is looked for. He does face opposition though its power is limited.

>If you've (innocently or otherwise) backed the wrong claimant throughout the
>interregnum, you may well find yourself driven into open rebellion *after*
>the new Mask appears. There is, as I mentioned in an earlier post (V7 #581,
>Alex on Succession), no reason whatsoever why the acclamation of the new
>Mask in Glamour should immediately clear up all the loose ends around the
>succession crisis. It merely makes it clear that Moonson is Back. ("And he's


>At this point, rivals' ambitions change: "I may not be Moonson, but I'm
>still backed by my loyal men of the Third Furthest Foot... aren't I?" :-(
>Just to clear up that potential misunderstanding.


Good summation.

Martin Laurie

End of The Glorantha Digest V7 #610

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