good guys and MOB

From: Karin Goihl & Daniel Fahey <>
Date: Sat, 13 May 2000 23:17:03 +0200

chris ward:
>The recently (re)-raised question of whether or not the Lunars or the
>Orlanthi are the good guys misses the point that they are both just
>opposite sides of the same corrupt and wrongheaded coin. There is only one
>true way, the Way of Waha. A whirlvish on both your houses
>- - Chris pp Umfre Throwdart of the Yellow Star Impala

Both of these unclean and unlawful nations will be short-lived. They are unnatural and against the way. We are here waiting. Your end is near.

>Even if this doesn't succeed (yet), a neutral phrX-Mozilla-Status:
>0009project would help to keep the people involved not too unhappy.

No matter how effective this project is it will only delay the inevitable.

Wahanie the Bull

From: MOB
>I am not an animal...

replying to:
Daniel Fahey:
>>Next you'll be telling us that Nick, and even MOB are human.

I certainly never thot of MOB as an animal, but rather maybe an uncontrolable force of nature which one can only hope to weather. MOB is definately not an ogre either. I've never sensed any chaos about him. He is a force which humans can't understand, but which has its own order. Daniel

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