Everway cards for Glorantha.

From: Michael Cule <mikec_at_room3b.demon.co.uk>
Date: Tue, 23 May 2000 23:57:30 +0100

Rusty says:
>I am toying with the idea of making a set of everway style cards to use
>whilst playing HeroWars, and thought that cards with various deities on them
>Anyone care to collaborate?

Well, I've already done this. I tried it out for a HeroQuest at the last Convulsion. I did a set of Trumps based on the non-elemental runes (listed below) and five suits of seven cards each based on the Elemental Pantheons including Lunars. It can work well but I'd recommend it only for God Plane adventures.

The list of trumps below is in the format: NAME OF RUNE/DESCRIPTION OF ILLUSTRATION/NORMAL MEANING/REVERSED MEANING. I have all the cards as word processor files but in the AMI PRO .SAM format which most people can't read.

An ox in the field.
Animals, nature, strength.
Reversed: Unthinking, uncontrolled might.

The chaos rune in black against a swirling background of many colours. Inexplicable force acting against the Heroquest. An appearance of Chaos. Not reversable. But see the Infinity Rune. RESHUFFLE THE DECK.

A sword. Or Humakt in full armour. Or Orlanth slaying Yelm. Viiolent action. An ending. Death.
REVERSED: Pointless destruction. Sterility.

Ratslaff surrounded by boggles. Or A banana skin. Breaking free of a preset pattern. Creativity. The overthrow of authority.
REVERSED: Ill-preparedness. Lack of system. A mess. The overthrow of authority.

The Inhuman King.
A draconic force intervenes to support the Quest. REVERSED: A draconic force intervenes to frustrate the Quest.

Uleria in all her glory.
Growth, new life, love, Creation.
REVERSED: Unreasoning lust, superficiality, the body controlling the mind.

A harp with hands playing it.
Things and people working together, co-ordination. REVERSED: Over control, rigidity.

A congregation bows down before a priestly figure but we can see that it is just a cardboard cut-out. Behind a pillar a Trickster figure is laughing.
Deception, trickery, pulling the wool over the opposition's eyes. REVERSED: Being deceived, having the wool pulled over your eyes.

The Infinity rune over a background of swirling colours. Inexplicable force actiing to aid the Heroquest. Not reversable. But see the Chaos Rune. RESHUFFLE THE DECK.

A pile of books in a Library, the topmost open to show the Law rune. Order, stability, system, reliability.
REVERSED: Conservatism, lack of creative thought or foresight.

Zzabur performing an enchantment.
A surge of magical energy, a sudden access of power, Magic. REVERSED: A surge of magical energy becomes available to the enemy.

Grandfather Mortal.
Humanoid life, mortality.
REVERSED: A mortal intervenes against you. The quest's link with the Mundane world wavers.

A smith at his forge.
Self-knowledge and internal unity. Conquest of self leading to conquest of others.
REVERSED: A failure of self-control. Blindness to your own faults.

A movement rune superimposed over a speeding chariot wheel.. Change, escape, speed.
REVERSED: Instability, a change for the worse, things slipping away, an enemy escapes..

A Great Tree whose topmost branches pierce the clouds. Plant Life, the world of nature in general, elves. REVERSED The same factors acting against the Quest.

The Horned Man dances around a shrouded body. Spirits, ghosts, the power of shamanic magic. REVERSED The same factors acting against the Quest.

A great mountain.
Stability, immobility, law.
REVERSED: Rigidity, immobility, unmoving custom.

A scribe lifts a torch in the shape of the Truth rune to illuminate a scroll in a dark cave.
Truth, knowledge, enlightenment.
REVERSED: Mere rote learning.

A pile of coins. Or two traders discussing business. An equitable trade. Fair Exchange. Peaceful co-operation. REVERSED: Sharp dealing. Taking Unfair advantage. Greed.

A pair of dice flying from a hand.
Randomness. Unexpectedness. Chancetaking. REVERSED: Random events frustrate the Quest. Foolish Risk-taking.

A book chained shut. Spider webs surround it. The preordained. The expected events.
REVERSED: Doom. A fortold misfortune.

A vampire resting in his coffin.
A ravening destructive force. Eternal hunger. The death of the soul. REVERSED: The same forces act against the Quest.

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