Re: Storm Bull != Urox

From: Benedict Adamson <>
Date: Thu, 01 Jun 2000 09:52:23 +0100

> Date: Wed, 31 May 2000 22:55:38 +0100 (BST)
> From: Alex Ferguson <>
- -..
> > I have been spending way too much time on this, but I really don't like
> > the thought that Urox and Storm Bull are not the same beastie. Greg's
> > decree asside, it just don't smell right.
- -..
> You're attempting to do a cross-cultural analysis, here.

What makes this much more difficult than asking 'Is West King Wind Orlanth?' is that the twain DO meet. Around Pavis, along the edge of Sartar. But most of all, consider the Pol Joni. Do they have followers of both Urox and Storm Bull? Do they and their fellow tribesmen consider the two to be different?

You mean Durulz? ;-)

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