Re: Hypocrisy and Orthopraxi

From: Richard Develyn <>
Date: Mon, 5 Jun 2000 12:43:48 +0100

I think the one thing that didn't come through into this debate from my original post is what I mean by 'belief' in a god.

What I mean is belief as in 'support', rather than just 'accept the existence of'.

A hypocrite, IMO, is someone who uses a god as a 'slot machine'. Plug in the worship, pull out the abilities. When I first thought about Faith I wondered how a priest interviewing a prospective initiate would be able to determine whether the candidate really supported the god's views or whether he was just in it for the powers.

Orthopraxi suggests to me that the god really doesn't give a shit - he's in it for the worship brownie points (however they reckon those things on the God plane). That's certainly one interpretation.

Another is that god's peer into your soul, so there's no way you could be hypocritical, or that god-granted abilities simply don't work for you if you don't adhere fully to the god's beliefs.

Another is that no one would ever dream of being hypocritical (which I find hard to accept).

Finally, it could all be down to non-magical abilities just as in the RW, in which case there must be loads of hipocrisy.


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