Hello and Roar

From: JeffJErwin_at_aol.com
Date: Wed, 7 Jun 2000 14:57:08 EDT

Hi-- I have been absent on Heroquests for several years and I hope the Digest still runs...
Several years ago I sent in some incomplete notes on the Tiger Hsunchen of the Shan Shan, which were picked up and expanded by Trotsky at http://members.aol.com/ttrotsky/hsunchen/tigermum.htm (he also has some notes of his own at http://members.aol.com/ttrotsky/hsunchen/tiger.htm ) Anyway I got my paws on the Hero Wars rules finally and wrote the Keywords up (first draft). I will be playing a wandering female of this tribe fairly soon, so I guess it will be playtested then. Note that the cult has been rewritten to reflect the new Animist rules, so the Theistic info no longer applies from my old work.
Jeff Erwin

Tiger Hsunchen (Zuzimi, or Hsa)

Tiger Hsunchen Cultural Keyword

Physical Skills: Attractive, Swim, Groom, Knife Attack, Lie in Wait Mental Skills: Hsunchen Greetings, Recognize Territory, Tiger Myths, Track Personality: Self-sufficient
Relationships: to lineage and Spirit-mother Magic: Animist. Tiger Father and Tiger Mother are the Ancestors. Tiger Mother is the dominant goddess. Powerful Tigers and Hsunchen become Spirits when they die and can be worshipped.

Tiger Hsunchen Occupation Keywords

Bachelor Male
Entry requirements: Be an unmated adolescent male. Some Bachelors are chosen by Tiger-father to become shamans. They are too useful to remain bachelors long. Others simply become mates by attracting an adult female. Physical Skills: Make knife, Prepare Meat, Notice Danger, Catnap Mental Skills: Know Prey Animals, Mollify Elder Personality: Vain
Relationships: to mother

Female Wanderer
Entry requirements: Be a territory-less female. A Wanderer is sometimes chosen by Tiger-mother to become a shaman, and therefore to become a Spirit-mo ther (even if she is unmated). Most found lineages. Non-shamans drive out other females or replace infertile ones in established lineages. Physical Skills: Find Shelter, Catnap, Prepare Meat Mental Skills: Explore Unknown Region, Discover Weakness Personality: Cunning
Relationships: none

Mated Female
Entry requirements: Bear children and have territory Physical Skills: Carry children, Cook Food, Build Hut, Drive Out Male. Mental Skills: Woman’s Secrets, Compel Obedience Personality: Authoritative
Relationships: To Spirit-mother, children, mate.

Mated Male
Entry requirements: Father children and have territory Physical Skills: Intimidate, Hunt Big Game, Roar, Make Tools Mental Skills: Notice Infidelity, Judge Strength Personality: Fierce
Relationships: To Spirit-mother, immature children, mates.

Spirit-mother or Tigerson (Advanced Occupation) Entry requirements: Be an older woman with grandchildren or the founder of a lineage (a Wandering Female with an awakened Fetch); or a mated male with an awakened Fetch. Males always rank lower than females, and shamans are often mated to the more powerful women, to keep them in line. Physical Skills: Craft Fetish, Scratch Summoning Circle, Roar, Dance Mental Skills: Chase off trouble, Lead Ceremony, Spirit World Travel, Shamanic Escape, Spirit Combat, Spirit Sight Personality: Mysterious
Relationships: to lineage, to Tiger-mother or Tiger-father. Magic: Tradition is by sex. Interacting with the opposite sex’s spirits is at –10 penalty.

Tiger-father Tradition
Tiger-father is Tiger-mother’s mate, and helps her bear children. They cooperate on an irregular basis, but seldom get along unless it the right season. Tiger-father is the patron of males. He is is always portrayed as a handsome tiger.
Entry requirements: Must be male.
Physical Skills: Warpaint
Mental Skills: Tiger-father Secrets
Traditional Spirits:
Fertility Spirits
Hunting Spirits
Madness Spirits
Special Spirits: Tiger spirits, Firebringer Fetch: Tiger
Fetishes: Tiger-father shamans create their fetishes from wood, bone, feathers, sinew and fur.
Secret: Paralyze Foe
Worshippers: Males of the Tiger people, occasionally as a secondary tradition by non-Hsunchen shamans in Teshnos and Kralorela. Other Side: Tiger-father prowls a vast forest in the Spirit world, hunting other spirits. From this forest, all of the other Hsunchen lands are easy travel.
Other Connections: He is Yinkin and Basmol/Durbadath’s brother. He has held Death.

Tiger-mother Tradition
Tiger-mother is the most powerful spirit amongst these Hsunchen. This is because of her formidable powers, and because lineage is always traced through the mother. She is depicted in dance ceremonies as a woman, a tiger, or a woman with a tiger’s head.
Entry requirements: Must be female.
Physical Skills: Protect cubs
Mental Skills: Tiger-mother Secrets
Traditional Spirits:
Mothering Spirits (causes a lineage to defer to the Spirit-mother, calms infants, licks wounds, etc.)
Evening Spirits
Forest Spirits
Fertility Spirits
Special Spirits: Tiger spirits, Evening-woman, Star-spirits Fetch: Tiger
Fetishes: Tiger-mother shamans create their fetishes from wood, bone, feathers, sinew and fur.
Secret: Invisibility
Worshippers: Females of the Tiger people, occasionally as a secondary tradition by non-Hsunchen shamans in Teshnos and Kralorela. Other Side: Tiger-mother controls a spirit-realm near a river in the same forest as Tiger-father, where she has a cave. Other Connections: She is the illegitimate daughter of Rausa (Evening) and combines powers of Night and Light. Her enemies are Stasis and non-Hsunchen Man. She is a friend of Aldrya and the Bamboo-goddess.

End of The Glorantha Digest V7 #695

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