Questions, questions... Is that all there is?

Date: Wed, 14 Jun 2000 09:34:04 -0400 (EDT)

Xavier Spinat :

>1) Huraya.
>Who's this water girl? And where can I read about her?

No idea.

>2) Demons (or devils?)
>Are demons chaotic? Are they spirits? Minor creatures from the God Plane?

They apparently have material bodies when manifest on the material plane. I think this is a generic term for many kinds of being. I think they're more common on the hero planes, but some are apparently able to move between the planes, and show up in several apparently unconnected regions.

>3) Dragons and Chaos.
>Can one be affected by the other?

Since we know the most obvious manifestation of Chaos in the world - the Red Moon - is destroyed by Dragons, I'd say yes ;)

>What's the power of dragons on Chaos?

Pretty much the same as the power they have on anything else. Why would anyone want more?

>Can dragons, and dragonewts, be perverted by Chaos?

For Dragonewts, I'd say yes. For Dragons I'd say yes too, but it's very unlikely. Dragons are transcendent beings and so are probably neither of chaos, nor against it as such.

>4) "Outer space"
>I seem to remember that Glorantha is like a bubble (or rather an egg) inside
>an ocean of primal chaos... so somehow Chaos is the substance that lays "out
>of the world", no?

That is a metaphorical description, not a real physical description of the situation. Chaos surrounds Glorantha in the way that silence surrounds the Mystical chant ' Aum ', both in space and in time, and is yet part of it.

>how does that fit the "intersection of three planes" perspective? What's
>chaos from the cosmologic perspective (I mean compared to the planes)? The
>Chaos rune is not a "world" rune?

It is the exact opposite of a "world" rune. It is the essence of uncreation.

>5) Magical Items
>How do you imagine the differences between the magical items of each magic
>Can the mystics enchant an item?
>I guess the items should retain some of the "worship" necessities linked to
>the magic : sacrifices for theism, extatic worship for animism,...

Magical artefacts are as much things of the otherworld as they are part of the material world. Thus a shaman's fetish is simultaneously present in the spirit and material worlds. This makes such items dangerous for 'unbelievers' to use. A theist using a shamanic fetish is putting himself in direct contact with the spirit world, where he has no friends and against which he has poor defences. It's doable, but you're deliberately giving yourself a weakness that your enemies can try to exploit.

Mystics can certainly create magical artefacts, but it's hard to see why they would, except perhaps as teaching aids. I suppose it depends on the school of Mysticism. Sorry I can't help more.


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