<< Was it Peter Metcalfe that said that dragons aren't a part of the mystical
world. >>
Don't know, but if he did, he was right.
<<Well then what are they part of? >>
The draconic world, according to AR. Or, at least, they use draconic magic - whether there's a world associated with it is another matter (probably not, IMO, unless that's what the physical world is).
<<Or is this whole 4 world views thing just a Godlearner construct that
didn't actually exist before them? If it doesn't apply to dragons, then it
certainly doesn't apply to many other cultures/races that the GL didn't lay
their hands on. >>
The stuff about there being only four possible ways of doing magic, each of which is pure and distinct, is a GL scheme. And clearly bovine excrement, to boot. What this implies about the nature of the worlds and the entities that live in them, is another matter though. The GLs weren't entirely dense, and did have *some* idea of what they were talking about ;-)
<<Or are there more worlds than the 4 no 5 (inner of course) that I know of?
Argh! >>
Greg has occasionally mentioned the 'chaos world' to me, but I don't think that's a world in the same sense as the Spirit World, God World, Underworld, etc.
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