
Date: Tue, 4 Jul 2000 02:39:10 +0900

This Convention and Exhibition was opened in Loral Island circa 860: This international exposition was proof of relatively Peace of Four Empire of Directions during those years. But Zoology was already typically God Learnish Field even for Tradetalk Fluent Lhankor Mhy Cultist of Umathelan. Comments of Speakers are at randomly picked up from Editor's dogmatism.

Convention about Gloranthan Menagerie Management Psychic Zoo: Yolanday University: Umathelan Coliation jurisdiction Old Garanga Vichi, Monster Zoo Loral: Waertagi (now GL) Old Port jurisdiction
Patched Togather Zoo: City Vos Vorainu of EWF

Representative of EWF, Lord Delecti: "Maybe our most problem is to harmonize between demand of investors of Menagerie and pedant scholar's requirement for Show."
Count Snobbery of Lyleket: Rich Noble of Slontos Archduchy: "Yeah, I agree." Delecti: "I managed to get success for show business with adoption of Inner Brotherhood..."
CS: "Oh, what is it?"
Delecti: "My Patched Together loss leaders are generally favorably received from both fastidious nobles and commoner's Circus and Bread, even scholars congraturated my success for my one sample." CS: "I already heard this rumour, New Race Centaur Ironhoof. You hybridized native "False" Hyalorian of Saird and their horses..." Delecti: "Scholars have some plans for Ironhoof, their experiment of Hsunchen Races and Reincarnation may be impotant source for invite more inventors from even Seshnela..."

Convention for Gloranthan Alchemy
One Eye Golden Diamond: Slon Dwarf Representative:
"Yeah, we repeatedly required those Demonic Thieves of Third Blue Eye, you
know. Secret of Iron is greatest Stigma for Nidan Decamony." Penel Zukoslaf, Representative of Third Blue Eye:
"Genertelan World Council of Dawn Age generally supported our work for
welfare of Human Civilization, Greatway Openhandism is ..." Gilam of Estau, aka Hero Jerem of EWF:
"I think PREMYTHOS legend Giant and Dragon War should be interpreted as
Fundamental Symbolization rather than Mythological Events along GLish Timeline, in this case, you know many animists see their parallel of Big Giants known as Great Demons Ehilm, Worlath, Joglampur in Malkioni System, theists call them as Great Gods...Maybe they get first Man Rune before Uz..."
Lord of World Knowledge:
"And Dragons are unconsciously means Earth or Womb before consciousness...In
Each of Four Direction, What is Metal? Antigod's Bone? (Because Parloth never left his dead body to mundane World after their Enlightenment...and riskful tool of Mundane Shackle) Demon's Bone? (Malkioni maybe see these demons as tool of Sorcerors under Invisible God Order) Great Element's (Dead Giant's) Bone? (You know many ignorants don't believe civilization came from primitive and go civilization as Ancient Day Basmoli of Seshnela and Galanini of Ralios...Animists misunderstand Metal as Corruption of Nature.) and Theist believes Holy Bone of Superiors as Our liturgist's Relic of Saints..."
Penal Zukosraf, Representative of Third Blue Eye: We already long studied many Genertelan Metal Cults such as Gustbran, Gadbrad Kygerlith, Lodril & Caladra, Aulerion, And many Godlearnish Devotee of Saint Lhankor Mhy of Nochet provide famous report of Serpent Prince, Bertalor of Fromalwal,
and even some past secret of Nidan & Slon Decamony, and Trollish realm of Blue Moon Plateau. Lord Jerem, I heard you get some answer with this theme around Emperor
Thalurzni, Secret of Ancient City Goropheng with Ancient Golden Age Tradition of Kralorela?"
Gilam of Estau:
"Yeah, Thalurzni is Famous Kralorelan Founder of Alchemy. But if you want
answer, you should answer another question, why Griffins guarding Block (Big Tip of Truestone)? What is reason de'etre of True Stone, Enchantment of Metal Adamant? You know God Cleaver of Arkat is perhaps some Relic or Artifact even in Brithini or Mostali Realm..."

"I think there is why Brithos left One Elf Forest during Arkat Era, do you
know Arolanitic Sterile? I think such focus about Existence of Source Sorcery made Old Western Logical Continent peaceful and plenty." OEGD:
"I can say about this, No Comment: but our Social Tribal System hints your
question with distinction, as you know Clay, Lead (Na), Quicksilver (Aluminium?)(Sa),
Copper(Ga), Tin(Ze), Brass (Bronze(Hu)?), Silver(Ul), Gold(El), Iron (Ur)(Steel?)
Diamond differ from Bertalor's taxonomy. And Elemetal Relationship to these Metals..."
"Why Dwarves don't use Tapping?"


End of The Glorantha Digest V7 #739

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