Re: Clothing Maketh Nandan the Birthing Man

From: Alex Ferguson <>
Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2000 14:23:58 +0100 (BST)

David Dunham:

> Loren Miller, on Nandan
> > Second, the supposed female rough equivalents, Vinga and Babeester Gor, do
> > not develop male sexual organs or otherwise take the male role in fertility.
> This is why I think they're not equivalents at all, Alex's opinion
> notwithstanding.

Eh? I see I haven't quite repeated myself often enough on this topic, yet. But there's at least another one in the queue, so one can but hope. And once more for luck: they're not equivalents at all.

> There is no female equivalent of Nandan, nor any
> male equivalent of Vinga.

That, OTOH, is bordering on a caricature of proscriptiveness. Though in the abstract it's not worth the painfully lengthy detailed rebuttal it might otherwise merit...

The places to start looking for (at least approximate) 'equivalents' would be a female path to using rain and male fertility magic, or a male strongly associated with a herding or hearth-tending role, or 'cooking sewing and star-marking' function. Whether or not there is a single, and as widespread and well-known a divinity associated with these functions as the original subjects of discussion is clearly another matter (most likely not, I would think, though how 'widespread and well-known' Nandan is is pretty questionable), but to assume Evil Emperor like exclusionism about such matters flies in the face of all reason.

The former case isn't entirely hypothetical, as it came up in a previous flame-war about gender exclusiveness and the Orlanth Thunderous and Heler cults, though I neither know nor care as to it canonicalness.

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