Re: Babeester Gor

From: David Dunham <>
Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2000 07:36:38 -0700

Alex Ferguson points out

> Obviously unmodified women's clothing may not be the most practical
> of all possible choices, but I could give you a tediously long list
> of clothing styles that have been fought in, or easily could be, aside
> from 'trousers'. In this case, shorter and less full-skirted dresses
> would serve both the purposes I suggested, for example. (I am trying
> hard not to conjure up an image of Xena here though, I really am...)

True, but we all know (from Jeff Richard :-) that Dragon Pass has bitterly cold winters, so those short skirts (or kilts, if you prefer) aren't too practical. (IMG they're a Ralian thing.)

Since the women of Dragon Pass (if not all Heortling women) wear long skirts, the sudden appearance of women with short skirts would probably not visually convey that they were fighting women. The fact that they are garbed as a warrior does.

David Dunham <> Glorantha/HW/RQ page: <> Imagination is more important than knowledge. -- Albert Einstein

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