Humakt and bodysnatching shamans

Date: Fri, 13 Oct 2000 16:59:10 +0100

Greetings from the land of Horizontal Heler (Scotland, for those not familiar with the UK NW coast),

I've been batting two thoughts around for a while now, and would like to hear what you guys think:

First of all, Humakt is often portrayed as a rather two-dimensional and impersonal deity. This has been explained as an effect of Chaos wounds from the Gods War and his killing his own lover (Saranla from "Humakt's Lover" - Apologies to the author for forgetting his name). But with the recent discussions about the effect of Heroquests, I've thought of a slightly different approach:

In the Orlanthi pantheon, Humakt is often portrayed as Orlanth's Sword. This might then mean that it would be possible for an Orlanthi Hero to go on a Heroquest 'armed' with a Humakti co-quester representing his sword. In doing this, the Orlanthi Hero would have increased fighting prowess, and the Humakti would gain closer ties to Death. Now, for the Humakti to effectively emulate the Sword and not mess up the Heroquest, he would have to allow himself to be controlled by / take orders from 'Orlanth'. Not necessarily to do any deed, of course - the Sword demands honour, after all. In my mind, this would lead to Humakt losing personality and eventually becoming just a tool, much like he is today.

I think this is exactly what has happened to Humakt. He's been used as a tool in Heroquests too much, and has subsequently been reduced to the mythical equalient of Terminator. As an example, I think Humakt was part of the original LBQ, but not as himself, just as a Sword. This is why he was not mentioned. Also, I think Arkat and several other questers used Humakt's role in this way. This way of (ab)using Humakt in a Heroquest could possibly also be applied the other way around: Identify your sword with The Sword and let it take Humakt's role on the Godplane. Techniques like this MUST have an impact on Humakt himself, no?

If this makes any sense at all, it might be possible for a Humakti Heroquester to 'rediscover' Humakt's personality or previous attributes (Which is what I think happened with Yanafal Tarnils). Any idea what parts of Humakt's personality have been lost?

On a side note, Drogarsi is often described as Orlanth's swordcarrier/swordbearer. Might this means he has the power to control Humakt as well? Drill sarge, anyone? At least very important in the 'Arming of Orlanth' HQ.

Second, my players recently asked me what happens when a shaman dies. And I couldn't for the life of me give them a satisfying answer. Sure, they should face Daka Fal and/or Ty Kora Tek, but can they be made into ghosts? Can they CHOOSE to stay as ghosts? Ghosts with spirit talking powers? (And a fetch, in RQ terms) Scary... Is there any reason why shamans should not be able to haunt the living with their previous powers intact? Keep having this dusturbing vision of a powerful shaman possessing Herdmen to gain eternal life...

Does this make any sense? Off my rocker? Wrong list? Please let me know...

Magnus 'Clackbeard' Vindegg

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