on Humakt

From: Mikko Rintasaari <rintasaa_at_mail.student.oulu.fi>
Date: Wed, 18 Oct 2000 02:34:17 +0300

John Hughes wrote
:Humakt is feared. His magic and purpose is terrible. Most Sartarite
:warriors will sacrifice to him ('gift for a gift' is basic to Heortling
:understanding) but few will devote themselves to him. The cost is a
:terrible one.

The cost is indeed high. The Orlanthi go to rest in the halls of Orlanth after death, and when rested, they are born again into the world. The devotees of Humakt have given themselves to Humakt forever. They will not be born again. They serve Humakt's will forever, and only return to the world if it's Humakt's will.

Nice posting John. Only part that I disagree with is the flashbacks and terrible dreams. I think joining Humakt would help one get rid of such. One can sever the trauma away. After you are once dead, and know what awaits you there, battles hold no more terror.

In a friends Glorantha campaign I heard a nice Sartarite saying, when discussing a coming battle, and how to keep casualties small; "The Sword will take what he's due" or "The Sword always takes what is his". (I'm not sure which is the better translation)


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