
From: Peter Metcalfe <metcalph_at_bigfoot.com>
Date: Wed, 25 Oct 2000 23:30:10 +1300

Peter Larsen:

>How close are, say, New Pelorian, Pelandan, and Dara Happan? As
>close as French, Italian, and Spanish? As close as German and English?

We do have some information from the old Glorantha boxed set.

Speakers of Balazaring can understand other languages at 1/10th their native tongue.

Speakers of Dara Happan can understand New Pelorian and "Pelorian Farmer Languages" (i.e. Darjiinian, Rinliddi, Darsenite etc) at 1/5th their native tongue and 1/10th Balazaring and Jarstic.

Speakers of New Pelorian can understand Dara Happan and "Pelorian Farmer Languages" at 1/5th of their native tongue and Balazaring and Jarstic at 1/10th.

Speakers of Pelorian Farmer Languages can understand other Pelorian Farmer Languages at 1/3rd their native tongue, Dara Happan and New Pelorian at 1/5th, and Balazaring and Jarstic at 1/10th.

I assume French and Italian are at 1/3rd while French and English are at 1/10th. I could be wildly out, mind you.

However since the new material that's been released since the above was written (the monicker of Pelorian Farmer Languages is inaccurate for a start), I suspect the numbers are out-of-date.

> In order to try to get something out of this thread, I'd like your
>opinion. Could the evolution of Dara Happan writing follow this path:
> A. Pictographs that quickly became
> B. A logographic system with increasingly phonetic elements.
> C. Eventually the complex system was simplified into:
> D. A limited set (several hundred) of phonetic characters which
>were further simplified into:
> E. Plentonic letters


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