Re: Teutonic / Celtic(2)

From: Terra Incognita <>
Date: Fri, 17 Nov 2000 23:22:41 +0900

Subject: Re: Teutonic / Celtic
 Sorry both for slow Reply and Including GD comments:

> > To Overseer of Dragonpass Area:
> Not Overseer, mere humble chronicler's assistant, really.
> > Prince Kahar:"I guess I might invade too deep Foreigner's Area,
> > so I can guess you have no more reason to bear my deed out of
> > your People's way. So I want to surrender to you, I came here
> > only for support to regain my Lover."
> > Emperor Osdero (Metsyla):"All right. We accept your submittance,
> > but you're too out of way of our civilized things and cannot
> > understand it. Stop and hear us, we are glad to help your need
> > by our credit, but you need your own Patience to gain a woman
> > as your Homeland, don't you?"
> > Thank you for your Long Letter, I came from Mysticism Area
> > confronts Dark Forest of Germany Protestantism=Monotheism.
> Correct in my case, although a good half of the Germans suffer from
> Catholicism. And I note that Protestantism has a slight dose of personal
> contact to one's deity, too, i.e. monotheism with a touch of Animism.

Where are you living? I am always influenced from Bad Air and Moisture Atmosphere
in Tokyo during almost all Lifeline. Circumstance is factor.

> Yes and no. Doubt is to imagery what Disorder is to Chaos. Doubting a
> heroforming opponent's identification has something of a mystic's
> "Refute" ability, and will be able to influence Otherside reality.
> (Interestingly the Orlanthi theist uses his passions to do this, whereas
> the mystic suppresses all passions and self...)
> > who wants only Knowledge without Understanding,
> > as before Orlanth submitted to Cosmic Compromise,
> > or Yelm Bijiif gained Illumination (so Lunars saying),
> Well... Heortlings would say Orlanth dictated the Compromise, and Yelm
> submitted to Illumination.
> > Everything is not important without their own.
> Sure. But any symbol or symbolic deed may be read in numerous ways.
> > (Buddist call it Mercy and Christian call it Divine Love.)
> > Time starting with Sorrow of Life.
> Do you mean the choice "mortality or non-interference"?

I shouldn't say so...But how Immortals know Sorrow of Limited-Mortality? Some of Foci exist for noticing Gloranthan Mentality... 1) Humakt and Eurmal (and Vivamort?) stole Sword of Death from Womb of Sberie.
The Brother and Friend Made Something New...New is an Evil for some Pantheon.

2)Orlanth killed Yelm with his brother's Sword. What is Mistake? Who can imagine Christ made Mistake even in Crucified and Humming the Poem of Elijah im Matthew?

3) Orlanth judged his former act as Mistake and brought Sun again from Underworld.
Some of Gloranthans such as Orlanthi and Pamalti) believes Golden Age as Stagnant Bad World, Orlanth made Compromise and Time better than Spike and Golden Age Order to his worshippers.

> > Germany must not be English Cousin (most of Gloranthans) without
> > a Foreigner from too Far.
> I just wondered how this conception of fairly modern (19th century)
> Germany and Migration Age Germanics fell together.

Another Prejudice?
> > With Help of Biographycal Dictionary:
> > Arminius (also Armin, Herman, Hermann) German military hero;
> > defeated Romans at battle of Teutoburg Forest (Teutoburgerwald)
> > 009 _018b?-019
> This Cheruskian hero was a Germano-Celtic chieftain and former Roman
> hostage.

I knew this Event only from Roman's Side from some of My Booklets, but Romans used "means of hostage"
for Germanic Civilization and Friendship as Lunars from Days of Julius Caesar....

> > Clovis I (also Chlodwig I, Chlodowech I) French ruler; king of
> > Salian Franks 481-511; king of France 508-511 (1st king of all
> > France; 1st true ruler of Merovingian dynasty); converted to
> > Christianity; son of Childeric I _456?-511
> French ruler? Yes, and still part of the Germanic tradition and history.
> Typical for the Christianized migration tribes.

Struggle between Creed of Arius and Atanacius? (Conflict for Human Nature and Divine Nature of Christ before Resolved by Constantine Hand in Nichaea...)

> > Theodoric the Great Italian-Ostrogoth conqueror and ruler; king of
> > Ostrogoths 475-526; ruler of Italy 493-526 _454?-526
> > I need Long Time to search for these men.
> I can imagine. I wouldn't know where to start looking for details about
> the Japanese dynasties or great historical people.

I think Japanese history is not important for Worldwide resional history for Understanding Outline, very Insular...IMO_at_Chinese History has more impotance for reference_at_for comparison.
> > For our Japanese, most of Germanian Legacy are seen as Prussian
> > Heritage of Indusrial Revolution Era of Japan, and Richard
> > Wagner, Carl Gustav Jung, etc... contributed both Past our
> > "Astray" Era and "Now" our working, without Wagner, I cannot
> > know allure of Existence of Germanic abundant Mine.
> The "romantic", i.e. late 19th/early 20th century view of the Germanics,
> abused for abstruse propaganda. And as well the romantic (neo-druidic)
> image of the Celts. I think these reflect more the mindsets of the
> collators than that of the people of the period described in the legends
> which served as quarry for that literature.
> > (and Arthur Ruckham Working, but he was English Painter, wasn't
> > he?)
> To be honest, never heard of him, but the name is not German.

See Site of Below. He drow Very Beautiful Paintings for Wagner Stories.

Some of Revised Printings (Copyright 1998 William Heinemann Limited) put his illustration again as Contemporary Illustrator John_at_Tenniel of Alice.
> > Poverty is not Vice... Famous is not "Important", apparently,
> > Siegfried of Der Ring des Nibelungen was not Sigurd of Ancient
> > Hero as Niebelungenlied even though similarity exists.
> Sigurd/Siegfried is Wagner's identification. A German "God Learner"
> mythographer, Gustav Schwab, has written three books called
> "Greek/Roman/Nordic Gods' Legends", and his cleaned-up genealogies are
> often seen as the definite pattern to read the interrelationships of the
> deities. Probably in the tradition of Tacitus who classified Woden
> (Odin, Wotan) as just another instance of Mercury because of a couple of
> attributes, failing to see his role as divine patriarch.
> > Mystic-like Shaman debating with Logic of Wizard...What is the
> > difference of Culture and Civilization? (at least I slip to
> > "Celtic" side, you remain "Germanic" side...)
> Civilization: a cohabitation of lots of people, with distinctive
> technologies, customs, and other traits.
> Culture: a set of technologies, customs, and other traits. Several of
> these can coexist within a Civilization.
> Neither of these terms really is value-laden, but in discussions these
> subjectively implied values are often referred to.

Noncommital? university professor said.
> > Most of Irish Monasteries of pre-Norman sailing Age
> > contributing renaissance of Roman Culture and they brought
> > Arthur Stories and "prototype" of Round Table Knights, after
> > it, again Germanic Cousin Norsemen came and crush their
> > result of workings, I see Shadow of "Celtic" influence for
> > Germans are winners of Roman Legacy, and Gallians are Loser
> > of Higher Culture. But their blood mingled, labelled with
> > latecomers.
> The Irish monks and the Frankish monks fared differently mosly because
> the Frankish (Germanic) kings built their kingdoms on Roman provincial
> administrative lines. In both cases the "keepers of culture" were
> nothing but curious barbarians trying to deal with a new concept. The
> Franks on the continent had the advantage and disadvantage of more
> direct contact with the emerging papal seat.

This maybe anotherside of Truth. I maybe fell to distorted gaps. But I also suggest Most of Romanic Cultures keeping in Monasteries as in Umberto Eco's many working (But I only have read The Name of Rose..) With Chinise Centralized Sence, Rome is Another Focus for Anderstanding Both Classic Feudal history of Europe. Defeat of Centralism and Raise of Nationalism
contains Literary work of Shakespeare, Dante, Milton, Luther,..., etc. in a broad sense.
even some of them publicly opposed that trend as Lod Dunsany refused to participating in Ireland Independence Movement, even though his nature of writing is Delegate of Irish Spirit as William Sharp (Fiona McLaud?).

Glorantha cut Mainstream Malkioni Tradition and Former Cultures of Northern Continent Inhabitants be contrast with Rw Christian Europe. Ralios and Carmania may be exception to Logical Judaea / Greek Sorcery Western Continental Civilization.
Kabbalah maybe last straw of Inhuman Logical "Brithini" and "remained Will of Former Sorcerors: such as Humct, Worlath, Ehilm. IMHO, some of "Legends" of Brithini hinted
Some Great Sorcerors want to become Powerful Shadow Pagangods became Part of Nature.
What is Nature? Nature hasn't personality without psyche of Human.

> > Even Italian Renaissance, Boiardo and Ariosto used many
> > Arthurian Resources for their Charlemagne Tales. Who is
> > Dietrich? Oh, he was cousin of Odercere and Lombardians.
> > Without Shadow, always Problem is simple, Power is All.
> Well, if Italians used British Arthur, than Shakespeare and his ilk used
> Mediterranean motives for "The Storm" or "Julius Caesar".

As another sample, I found many Germanized Area remaining aboriginal Celtic Tradition. In Spain, Legends of Amadis de Gaula (Portuguese Origin, they may have been long Friends of English.)
and El Cid are derived from many Arthurian Legacies as Charlemagne Paladin Legends. (But Japanese don't include Amadis dde Gaula for Understanding Miguel de Cervantes and Don Quixote the Mad who want to see Amadis as his mirror of Adventures.)

Parsival and Tristan was Round Table Knight and Wolfram and Godfried von Straasburg
Germany Workers were perfecting "Celtic" Knight Legends.

> >>then in the uppermost Danube region (Heuneburg) and finally
> >>in the Switzerland region (La Tene), it soon caught up with
> >>classical Mediterranean development of city-states and empires.
> >>The First Council and the EWF remind me strongly of this.
> > Difference of Ralian Orlanthi and Manirian Orlanthi?
> That's where the European parallel breaks down.
> The best parallel to "I Fought We Won" might be the joint stand of
> Germanic kings, Late Roman governors and various auxiliary against the
> Huns under Attila. Although Attila had as many Germanic Kings and other
> auxiliary.
> > Again, I estimate Difference of RW and Magical Glorantha, why
> > Orlanthi living in Southern Coastal Area? Because Dragonpass
> > Board Game want to set Storm Runes to South, Lunars to North.
> The earliest boardgame map showed a greatly distorted Genertela. North
> and South are extremely hard to discern when only glancing at the map.
> > Magic is substance of Glorantha.
> Magic is Lifeforce. Glorantha lives. And the Otherworld keeps snapshots
> of this life frozen until entered, and hardly changed when leaving.
> > I know City Culture is mainly Dara Happan Style when recent
> > Sartarite remind it without Southern Thrived Culture of
> > Esrolian and Pharaohic Rule, But 1st Age Orlanthi? Maybe
> > they were too diferent from Modern Heortlings as RW Ancient
> > Magna Graecian Greeks and Modern Sicily Dwellers. Magic
> > maybe worked as modernization Change, How many dwell in
> > Imperial Age? Shortage of Information.
> I agree, solid info is rare. Most of this has been postulated from tiny
> hints, and more often than not people have disagreed about a subject.
> Orlanthi changed their character several times. The myth "Vadrus and the
> Logic Tribe" in Anaxial's record reminds of a time when the beast totems
> of the various Orlanthi groups still were dominant. In the Darkness,
> many Orlanthi fell back to this. Maybe some of the Ralian Orlanthi who
> were converted from native Hsunchen had become Hsunchen from some
> proto-Orlanthi theism. The end of the Kodigvari (royal Vingkotling)
> tribe of Esrolia marked the important change in Orlanthi culture to
> Heortling. An archaic beast-form period is overcome by one of the
> beastform refugees, Heort the Swift. New, different social orders are
> made. Social leadership replaces birthright leadership.
> Heort's ways enabled one group of Dragon Pass humans to become the quite
> urban Dorastans within 100 years. I have little doubt that most other
> Heortlings could have urbanized as fast.
> But the Dorastans and the Talastari united under Lokamayadon, who
> introduced a totally different approach, mystical unity rather than
> cooperative unity. Lokamayadon systematically eradicated the system
> created by Heort, and replaced it by his own. Harmast took vague
> memories of the pre-Lokamayadon Systen and wrought an anti-Lokamayadon
> creed. This included a disdain for cities (Harmast lived almost nomadic
> in the mountains) which soon again was overcome by curiosity.
> Imperial Age Dragon Pass was as densely populated and apparently
> urbanized as Esrolia. (The travelogue of Hrestol Arganitis in KoS Jalk's
> Book (?) gives a lot of names and vague positions, though no sizes.)
> > (Son of Charlemagne Pious Deed of Bookburning)
> >>a desaster second only to the burning
> >>of the Alexandrian library.
> > In Chinese History, they regularly routines "wrote and burned
> > their precious working", they love Recording but don't like
> > "Truth", something Alien Idea of Monotheistic Doomsday. They
> > go forward and backward routinely. In Sung Dynasty, Culture
> > thrived but Civilization and Territory downfalled. Good
> > Technology is not Good Cultural Working before Industrialization.
> Neither after. Mass production counteracts culture IMO.
> >>I have found it always easy to understimate the Bronze Age and
> >>even late Stone Age culture of Middle Europe. Housing remained
> >>roughly the same between 5000 BC and 600 AD, and farming saw
> >>few revolutionary inventions.
> > Evoltuion and Revolution are both Darwinian Idea, Westerners.
> Evolution is. Revolution is older, and not at all Darwinian. In Latin,
> it means "turnaround". Often called the end of civilization, it rarely
> was a revolution which ended one. Although it often laid the seeds for
> the next civilization.

Japanese Revolution "Kakumei" derived from Chinese Dynasty Changing, Magic of Predecessors were crushed (Calendar, Bloodline, Recording) and revised new
"right" way. Emperors were Center of China.

> the plow, the permanent house, domestication of work beasts, fire or
> other tools to clear land. The introduction of bronze and even iron as
> working material didn't change grain farming agriculture in any
> meaningful way. Irrigation was meaningless outside the Fertile (but dry)
> Crescent.
> >>this reminds me of the historical case where a duchess
> >>of Friaul gets married by some Germanic king.
> > Who is her? Where is Friaul?
> Friaul is the Italian province northeast of Venice.

Thank you.
> > Thank you for forgiving my Rudeness.

End of The Glorantha Digest V8 #123

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