Kralori and Scimitars

From: Peter Metcalfe <>
Date: Wed, 13 Dec 2000 11:26:30 +1300


>J:"We invented the curved-bladed sword, even if the Kralorians make
>:better ones...

>The Kralori what? I agree that the chinise do good swords, but I don't
>remember them specializing on scimitars.

Then look at the Player's Book: Genertela p29 which has their weapon as being a scimitar.

>The bronze age swords vere straight and double edged.

So? Kralorela is not bronze age china, especially with its crossbows, rockets and scale armor.

>I wonder, are you confusing the Kralori with the Vormaini?

Nor is Kralorela a straight Chinese copy. The Utuma and the Military Police owe more to Japan and the Stone Obelisks that record Mikaday's teachings are probably based on the Indian rock edicts of Asoka.

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