
From: Richard, Jeff <Jeff.Richard_at_METROKC.GOV>
Date: Mon, 18 Dec 2000 15:09:20 -0800

Hi there -

Some random thoughts on Syllila:

>G:CotHW says that Sylila has 400k inhabitants.
>Based on this, I'd like to run the following basic
>outline of Jillaro by you all:
>* Jillaro has about 40k inhabitants.

I think that is bit large for Jillaro - I doubt that it has 10% of the entire provincial population. I suspect that it is a large city - does anybody remember what the old RQ3 "large city" sizes were? If I recall, they were 10k-25k.

Syllila also includes Rist-Darani-Lakrene which has another 380k inhabitants.

>* The ethnic breakdown of Jillaro is as follows: 50%
>Heortling, 20% Darjiini, 15% Dara Happan, 15% 'Lunar
>Other' (or mixed-ethnicity)
>* The religious breakdown would follow similar lines:
>40% 'safe' orlanthi, 15% Darjiini, 10% Yelmite, 35%
>Lunar (mostly Rufelza and Hwarin Dalthippa with some
>other lunars).

I think that Jillaro is culturally dominated by the "Lunar" groups. As a city, it was refounded by Hwarin Dalthippa, who identified it with Nivorah (and Grassy Bator, if I recall). The rebuilt city (with some of the most beautiful architecture in the Empire - its acropolis is a wonder of the world) was populated by immigrants from the Pelorian Heartlands, whose decendents probably make up the majority of the city's population. From Jillaro, Hwarin Dalthippa dominated south Peloria and the city takes precedence over mere provincial centers such as Mirin's Crossing (conquered by Hwarin Dalthippa) and Furthest. During the rule of Sheng Seleris, Jillaro was one of the two surviving Lunar strongholds and now views itself as one of the great cultural centers of the Lunar Way.

Indeed, I believe that the Lunar inhabitants of Jillaro even look down upon the Dara Happan cities further downriver. It was Syllila that liberated Dara Happa from Sheng Seleris - the Tripolis fell to the nomads, but Jillaro's acropolis was never taken.

Other prominent Syllilan cities include Cafol (the original hill-fort of the highland Syllilings - said to have been built by Odalya) and Thubana of the many towers (capital of Dara-ni).

As for "Orlanthi" - the Syllilings are not Heortlings. Their ancient name for themselves is the Odaylings, after their principle god - Odayla the Sky Bear. Odayla is the son of Karborn (who was slain by Shadzor [Shargash] but brought back to life by Odayla) and Sesaradeva the Scarlet Serpent (who lives underground). Other Odayling gods of note are Serabo (Odayla's wife) and Reladiva (the goddess of Saird). During the First Age, the Odaylings learned of the Heortling gods, and discovered (to their chagrin) that Orlanth is also the Father of Bears. Thus, they worship Barntar, the Lightbringers, Ernalda, and other Heortling deities.

The Syllilans also worship many Dara Happan and Pelorian dieties - not the least being Oria the Great Mother. There may still be echoes of Erilindia of Durleel - the beautiful queen of Terarir - in the priestesses of Oria. Yelm the Emperor is recognized, even if he has few people who are permitted to worship him directly.

Hwarin Dalthippa is also widely worshipped. She is the patroness of Jillaro, the founder of Lunar Syllila and the Conquering Daughter. Hon-Eel, the goddess of Maize is widely worshipped as well. Eyries and the Seven Mothers are popular amongst the Odaylings - indeed, I suspect that the Seven Mothers cult has effectively supplanted the old Lightbringers cult in many areas. Finally, the Syllilans have a number of horse-oriented cults - probably including Hyalor.

I don't know much about the Eel-Oriash clan - Peter or Nick, do you know where they came from?

Anyways, hope this helps a little -


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