Kralorelan Emperors and Heros / Pentan Concept

Date: Thu, 21 Dec 2000 06:45:37 +0900

Guy Hoyle:
>Wonder if the language barrier is a problem? I thought that English was
>commonly spoken in Japan now, but I could be mistaken. I wonder if there
>are any Japanese Gloranthan discussion forums?

To our regret, always Japaneses are poor linguists to Foreign Languages...most Japanese learned English in Compulsory Education as Cipher, machination, Mechanic for Science and test of patience and fidelity to Order of Structure...
And most of us never know frequent English in Life. And see movies with subtitles.

>I'm very curious about Terra's purpose in posting the messages. They seem
>to be part recitation, part reinterpretation of Gloranthan background info.
>Is he making his own interpretation of Glorantha? Or is he asking questions
>about things which are unclear to him? Or is he trying to provoke

I hope All and More.
"If I see around me and feel Vastness of World, I am Nothing. But if I can imagine the Roundness
of Terra Incognito, I (and all men on Surface) is Center of World. I don't always judge myself when something moves me." If we judge something, we will be judged from Others as Daniel read over Wall.

  Kralorelan Dragon Emperors

Reference: Ye Booke of Tentacles#2, Genertela Book, Secret Book, Some Thread of Glorantha Digest from Eastern Dictionary, Some Greg Sez! in Issaries Site, and Glorantha: Introduction to Hero Wars

TarnGatHa (In Eastern Isles, he is Vith, and God Learners saw him as Aether) First Emperor and Dragon. He ruled the Western Blissful Land Vithela, he is the Son of Un Lo as known as Cosmic Dragon created him from his Utuma.

HeeMaroun (In Eastern Isles, Goveranen. and God Learners saw him as Ehilm (Yelm)
After Vithela was tore into by Antigods, he accepted the Responsibility to watchWhole World over ShanShan Mountains.

Metsyla (In Eastern Isles, he is called as Osdero) Though he was wise, he didn't want to learn more than he know. For the sin of his arrogance, the Land Absered was drowned in Sea of Fog, Evil Sea Race Zabdamar appeared from there.

After Metsyla died in Deluge, he was the Emperor who ruled Kerendaruth. (Ancient Name of Kralorela) He enlightened Evil God of Land of Ignorance (Chern Durel) Solarstorm, and let his Third Eye open. He was differ from Metsyla, and he never permitted himself abandone modesty.

Sekever: Anti Dragon
Secret of Dragon was lost and Antigods ruled Blissful Land. Sekever learned Art from Antigods, and was accompanied by abominable Living Deads and Cannibalists HuanTos who controlled them.

He rediscovered Secret of Dragon and banished Sekever from KraLor. He made Magical Well linked to Skyworld and Underworld. He was first who called Kralorela this Land. He founded Summer Land to Eastern Vithela and enabled Dead Spirits to wait Ascension of Dragon Emperors here and join them.

He was Balance of Element and banished Four Evil Gods of Elements: Shadow Cancer, Secret Water, Earth Eater, Star Permutator to Bliss of Ignorance. He is Originator of Kralorelan Alchemy and drank Pill of Immotality with his wife Halisayan and let her administer Summer Land. See here more about Thalurzuni.

He was the first who conducted the Kralorelan Legal Law and found many Stone Draconic Monuments. He gained Help of Alou Blushman and incorporated Darudanic Mysticism to Nation and instruction of Mandarins. He wandered about his realm incognito and healed troubles of his People.

He made Original Ideograph Characters from Scattered Documents of Vithela and made Base of Kralorelan Culture. He organized Army "Dragons of War" with support of Thrunhin Da against Antigod Sekever Returning, it became Body of Kralorelan Imperial Army.

Creating Web of Righteous Knowledge, he combined scattered World. (It is called Cosimc Compromise by Storm Barbarians.) After it, he became perfect Dragon.

Emperor at Sunstop. He was attacked by False Dragon Ring, unwillingly transformed into Dragon imperfectly. Thousands of Kralorelan People followed his Death for they felt too much grief. Determined Exarchs exiled to Kingdom of Ignorance and prepared return back to Kralorela.

ShangHsa, "May His Name is Cursed" : Anti Dragon, Other Name is MaoTzen) He was not True Emperor. He was accompanied with Western Barbarians (called God Learners) in "New Dragon Ring" and polluted Great Tradition of Thousands of Years with his Evil and hid his fault during his oppression Hundreds of Years. But at last, Heaven and True Dragons angered against his Atrocities and Exarchs made his downfall at War in Heaven.

He was peddler of City Hsin Yin. After he succeeded Abdication of ShangHsa, he was negative to enthrone himself, secluding far from Empire to Plateau of Statue in Wasteland until Exarchs and Mandarins sensed his high Virtue. Since then, to Now Golden Dragon Emperor's Reign has always been perfect except Barbarians usurped his right. But Always Evil comes from Outside as ShangHsa and Sheng Seleris, he showed his true Draconic Figure and expelled these usurpers from Kralorela. He made Seven Magical Brigdes between Hum Chang (Isle of Wonder) and Vaska Long (Main Land).

Sheng Seleris: Anti Dragon (Other Name is AgartuSay) This Blackhearted Traitor, Pain Star was Pentan Nomad Barbarian, but he stole Kralorelan Secret from Instant Torture Camp, and used it to Empire itself. Emperor Godunya once defeated him, but he gained New Magics and Slaves in Western Land and struck back to Kralorela. In Worst Time, Godunya left Bloody Rain to His Empire, and widows only lived in Kralorela.

 Godunya (Reascent)
Since Atrocious Specter Sheng Seleris was enslaved in Hell and Curse of Western Bloody Coloured Moon, Empire restored to Normal Condition, Rightful Emperor enthroned again.

Kralorelan Demigods & Heros

Persons already gone to Summer Land (Or already delivered from Earth)

Thrunhin Dah (Harantara in East Isles):
Dragon who rules Sea of Fog provides Spell to shift into Shape of Killer Whale Cultists of Orca. She whimsically? (for unknown reasdn?) created Zabdamar Races and made them Kralorelan Enemy. She sank Ancient Capital Goropheng to Swam Chou. Blue Dragon of Deep.

August Dragon:
Though he was Prominent Philosopher of Dragon, he has long spent his life with Hibernation for his Excellent Wisdom. Since Ascension of Emperor Vashanti(0ST), he has woke up Four Times and showed his tremendous Wisdom and Power of foresight for each time. His Nest exists in Northern End of Island Hum Chang.

Miyo Rice Mother:
Kralorelan Fertility Goddess who controls Rice Crop, She was born in Jaubon Province and Daughter of Emperor Shavaya.

Okerio Allgiver:
She was Wife given to Ebe from Mercy of Dragon. Aptanace the Sage and his descendants True Humans came from their association.

Ebe Wild Man:
First Human. He related with many Lifes for his Loneliness until he was given his Wife. And he made many another races. (Dozaki (Trolls), Babadi (Dwarfs))

Halisayan Source of Compassion:
Wife of Emperor Thalurzuni was born in Hsian Wan, God Learners saw her as Pelorian Goddess Dendara.

Dark Sister of Halisayan. Secret Guardian and Rebel against Oppressor. God Learners saw her as Pelorian Goddess Gorgorma.

He was First Civilized Man born from Wild Man and Allgiver. All Civilized People derived from him. He and his son Julang Hombondol lived in Hanjan Province.

NyangMao:Ancient Originators of Mystical Ascension Philosophers. His teaching was similar to RW Indian Jainism. His disciples insists that Emperor Metsyla ruined himself because he denied their teaching of Seclusion.

Hua Lowchu:Manifest Mystic and Martial Artist in Ancient Kralorela: Kerendaruth. He spread Vithelan Worship of Kabalt (War God with Bolt of Liberation) and fought against Herespur, another martial artist and antigod.

Lui Wei:
In Mikaday Reign, Magical Entity born from Goddess Okerio. He founded City Lokaw with his own Egg Shell. He is said to have constructed Magically Guarded Iron Forts at Borderland of Great Waste. (But he doesn't have characteristc to make such warlike constructs...)

Alou Brushman:
He supported Emperor Mikaday and invented Art of Writing with Brush. He is Guardian of Civilians.

Heseroon Marn:
The Martial Artist dared to disobey Tyranny of ShangHsa and was killed. He was revived from Godunya's Hand and saw as Mystic adoministrating Imperial War Mystical Technic.

 Now Living Heros:
Exarch of Seven Dragons and Wisdom:
the Dragon Mystic controlling Imperial Military under Godunya current days.

Udam Bagur Exarch of Hell:
the Exarch judging Deads reward and punishment under Law of Emperor Godunya.

Can Shu:
Formerly he was Exarch of Wanzow Province who solely opposed to destroy Fleets of Pharaoh appearing from Opening of Western Sea. Today, he came to Kingdom of Ignorance as "Exarch", illegally traded Dust of Black Lotus to Solar Cult of Chern Durel and fills himself ambition. He hired many foreign mercinaries and subjugated many Demons under his rule.

Imolo Wen:
Swordmaster of Terrible Swift Sword. He killed Two Headed Demon ShayTunn Remnant of Seleran Empire in Boshan Province and has administered Martial Art School. Favor of Godunya to him and Influence of his family in Empire is target for bad popularity for Civilian Mandarins.

Kui Hui Gianthero:He who killed Lobster Demon Graba Cartak circa 1580ST fought against Sheng Seleris. His address is City Laonan Tao of Puchai Province.

Yao Fune:
Pacifist Religionist who insists bringing back sunken Land of Suam Chou.

Red Gardener:
Mysterious Person who living in Star City Kuchawn. He is rumored to have been Ruler of Western Red Moon Empire before Sheng Seleris banished him from there.

Concept of Pentan Nomads:
Jyhad is always important, why do we want to abandone Pureness of Wasteland and indulge in Hollow Luxury of Civilzation and weak soft nature? Don't forget our Motivation and Homeland, they give us Strength. Kill Evil and bring back Treasure which they stole before God Age, Jyhad is All.

1: They are Sun Worshippers of Kargzant. (Exception is Storm Worshippers: Bronze Prophet Supporters)
2: They may be Descendants of Hyalor. Savior of Goddess Hippoi. (Hyalor was maybe Pelorian Bawl Horse Nomad of Nivorah, not Hero of Pent. see Mythology of the Wyrms Footprint: Solar Pantheon.) 3: They are divided to Two Types: Pure Horse Riders and Gongarilli. (Greg Stafford mentioned Many Types of Horses in Glorantha: see Londarios Library in Issaries com.)
4: They sometimes invaded to Peloria for some reason (and Richness) They are always brutal Invaders for Pelorians.
5: They were descendants of Sun Empire of Theist Plane or Genert Garden of Animists. (or Both.)

1: They revere brutality and like bloodshed and massacre. (See about Sheng Seleris in RQ Con4 Compendium)
2: They have many varieties of Tribes as Praxians. (See Redline History Third Wane and Names of Tribes.) Think about Praxians famous for variety of Many Tribes of Waha, Impala, Sable, High Llama, Bison and Morokanth. But they ride only Horses. How to make their specialities? 3: What is RW parallel? Many Races of Central Asia and Russia have lived in Long History. While Europians imagine Saracens and Turkeys, Asians know Huns, Mongolians. Think about Praxians derived from African Steppes and Savannas, Middle American Plateaus and Pampas. 4: What is fun for Each of us? FREX, I like Mongolian and Oiglat Myths (But more Primitive and Animistic than Orthodox Godlearnish Yelmic Mythology. Many Beast Gods. West Gods are Evil and East Gods are Good.(Kralorela and Dara Happa?)) Dawn Age Jenarongs may be Attila and Huns. (And perhaps Orlanthi of First Council are Dietrich and his Warriors?)

Application to Glorantha:
1: Simple Ideology: FREX, for Orlanthi, "Freedom". For Dara Happans, "Order". Lunars, "Illumination". Praxians, "Survival"? Alkothi, "Sacrifice", etc...
2: Elemental Connections, even for Poverty of Praxians, Five Dominant Tribes have Preference Elementals. Bison like Storm. Morokanth like Darkness, Sable like Moon, etc.. Greg Stafford often use it for Simplization for Problem. 3: RW parallel nearest, For Lunars, they are Romans. In Ralios, they may be Italian Nations and City States in circa Renaissance...In Carmania, they are Persians before Islam. Orlanthi, they are Norse Residents of Classical Europe.
4: Ridge of Fire...Pivotal Point. (I pay attention to Japanese Pent Pack for Fanzines...) For Pentans, Keyword may be Power or Loyality. I like they are always in War than Praxians.

Reference should be applied to Many Works of Martin Laurie, he wrote about many for Pentans as Antagonist of Empire. David Dunham and Rob Heinsoo. Finally, in Convulsion 2K appeared Genghis Khan and Sheng Seleris (I don't know meaning of thess words...)

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