Death of Red Emperor

From: Greg Stafford <>
Date: Fri, 19 Jan 2001 13:59:32 -0800

At 11:45 AM 1/19/2001 -0800, Jerome wrote:
>>There is no single method the Emperor uses to maintain control, for his
>>very existence is the strongest controlling factor in the Empire. While he
>>exists the Empire will always exist. It is his death and total
>>dissapearance in 1628 that truly begins the Hero Wars for the Empire.
>As soon as 1628!! Is this a typo?

Many events occur inside the empire that you have not yet learned. They will never be known to outsiders, and especially to enemies like the Orlanthi. To quote the Campign Snopsis (a book we are working on): "The emperor seems indolent, and in 1628 the High Priestess of the HonEel cult gets the drunkard to agree to be her human sacrifice for the year. He doesn't return; the egi are distressed. Enemies send raiders, take advanage. Dart Competitors get active, rivalries are pushed, and there are darts on the moon. A new order is established."

>Tarsh was only liberated around 1630! Did
>someone (PCs?) permanently murder him and the affair being kept secret? I
>thought Argrath would bring back Sheng Seleris and Sheng would kill him
>later. Both of them are going to be disappointed (Argrath not the least when
>he discovers he has brought back this psychopath to the world for nothing.)
Other Emperors arise.
Certain events int he campaign require his presence. It will be just a matter of "which emperor is this?" Argrath is not the only world leader that is going to have problems with his staff.

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