Lost Mail of Digest

From: TERRA INCOGNITA <inarsus-ferilt-z_at_mrg.biglobe.ne.jp>
Date: Sat, 20 Jan 2001 23:34:18 +0900

Always human wants Security of Privacy, Affection from Friends, Identity in Darkness. That is Lost Mail in Majordomo Machine Error.

To Round Table Knights of Arthur (Someone with Simpathy to A Humble Japanese) or Gamedesigner David Dunham:
 Maybe I should ask to Another.....
1: I cannot finish King of Dragonpass....Long Computer Game. A sharp. may be able to teach more about it....
 (MODE: Long / Easy) Finished 8 different HQ after Making of Storm Tribe....Our Queen has reigned 10 years since Enthronement....I met Feathered Horse Queen, Ancestor Spirits, once met Sorceror Magisaurus. (But I cannot have met again since that. ) What are other conditions?

2: I have already known Another Mailing List about Hero Wars & Glorantha. What are they? How I can assign it?

To Nils Weinander:
3: Do you know about Link of Great Cycle of World and More Minor Cycles of Personalities?
I have read again & again about Past Post of Kralorelan Mythology. You may be
difficult situation in the Gap among Idea of Greg Stafford and Dream Magic Position, I guess you may think I should not cut Existence of Dream Magic from Kralorela, you made this concept before GS strarted Eastern Box from Missing Land Articles.

4: Can I truly identify Oorsu Sara with Orlanth? In Vithelan Gods War and Great Darkness, Grey Age were Happy Conquest, Atrocity War and Austerity War. First, Demigods Son of Elements destroyed Remnants of Oorsu Sara. Second, Tali Remaining Antigods under Oorsu, Herespur and Janadi stroke back, Darja
Danad destroyed Janadi but cannot annihilate his essential existence, Herespur set forth from Capital Sortum and conquered Eastern Isles One by One,
secretly ordered by Avanapdur the Deceiver. Third, Mashunasan revealed True Nature of Ava, and banished him from Real World. Heros Disciples of Darja attacked Sortum and broke down it.

Other Events: Herespur was captured but freed from Martial Artists, Sekever conquered Kerendaruth but fled from Daruda, Herespur taught Sekever to Martial Arts. Sekever again tried to attack Kralorela, Empire of Vayobi. Fire God Karkal and Herespur fought in the Chamber of Vith, City Chalanpur fell
from Heaven for this Struggle.
I wrote Sekever with Attribute of "Anti Dragon"....

"If we cannot trust ourselves, we should believe Gods. If we cannot do both,
you are ruined."

To Alex Ferguson:
(Always Ego and Self Conscious, Self "Consolation" made difficult preventing humans from mistaking Trust for Self Confidence, Self Satisfaction and Self Deception. Vicious Cycle easily weaken men without ability and made him Prey to Beasts.
Who know Name of True may understand it.)

5: About Lamaistic Buddhism (Yellow Hat Sect and Red Hat Sect) and Kralorelan Worship to Emperors
Why Ancient Chinese start Scepticism? Why they made Division between Religion and Science?
Why Ancient Chinese Philosophers taught Temperance, Harmony of Existence as Greek Philosophers?
I cannot answer about it. Reason and Science came from Scepticism... Repeating and Mathmatics make Science Possible...Both came from RW, not from Glorantha. I know RW Chinese was conquered by "Demonic" Westerners but Japanese wasn't. Because Conquered and Conqueror have similarity...

Creed of Confucius has long been Base and Tradition of China, teaching Simple Attachment to Family, Trusting Humanity and Compassion, How to Become Gentleman and gain Commonsense...I think why God Learners could not infiltrate EWF, but they could infiltrate to Kralorela...One was Strong, and another was Weak...Too Simple.

New Dragon Ring were Logicians how they could disturb Ancient Kralorelan Tradition and warp them to their Good. Logic came from Hypothesis, Numerical Formula, Theory and Experiment. Coming from both unreverence to Ambiguity of Human Sense and Ignorance to Fundamental Difference among Indivisuals. So Ancient
Chinese became most Scientific People in Ancient World as Greek.

To Peter Metcalph:
6: But is this Method means only Brithini and Sorcery? I cannot.

And, RW Chinese Counterpart of Confucianism is Taoism. Kralorela has Draconic Mysticism as Base and Tradition. But Mysticism came from Illusion which ignores Fragile Reality. Extreme always lose Balance....Idea of Samsara and Eternal Psyche came from Ancient India, and came into Ancient Chinese Taoism.

Indian Upanishad has dissolved to Many Sects as Vithelan Many Mysticism who knows only "we" can safely treat Matter of Samsara...Garden of Temptation. Glorantha started
Teaching of Kabalt in Darkness, Worship of Bolt. Bolt is Lightning Bolt. Matter to Energy, Energy to Psyche. It can circulate All of Status and Marshal Artists dared to risk Entanglement of Matter for rescuing Ordinary Countrymen. Darja Danad. Greg Stafford explains this Ideal Simply as
"Liberation Bolt".

Teshnans (Verenelans) highly conceived and complexed to Reincarnation of Every One. They enlarged this concept to All of their Nation, and if one of them wish to know....
(Actually, you are Reincarnation of Arkat, Sheng Seleris.....) I cannot believe Kralorelan and Vormaino kept such highly reservation to their own Reincarnation. (Of course, Dragonewts remember Past Life Reincarnation Memory, and know that makes more entanglement...to Garden of Temptation. Feeble Memory is Blissful in this Situation.)

Dragons appear as Idolation of Matter, Maybe Kralorelans use that as Bridge between Matter and Spirit, Mysticism and Garden of Temptation....I understand in this Status why HeenMaroun appears as Liberation Bolt... I also know Ancient Chinese saw Shape of Thunderbolt and Identified with Body of Angry Dragon, they hit Criminals with Anger of Celestyn.

HeenMaroun appears in Mind of Greg Stafford such like Style of Shiva, God of Destruction.
- -..Which destroys and
rebirths Glorantha with his own Thunderous Body and Utuma. I can see HeenMaroun with mentioning ShanShan Mountains, ShanShan Hsunchens saw this Mountains
 and Praxians also identified it with Backbone of Stellar Constellation Draconis,
but I spoke in the sense of "Monkey King" for my Original HeenMaroun... Monkey went to End of World and wrote his name to the Mountain, but when he returned to his Startpoint, he saw his Name over Hand of Buddha....because the
Mountain was merely Hand and Fingers of Buddha.

7: I now wrote about First Age Heros Arkat and Harmast, Talor and Gerlant. If someone of you leak Secret from Archive of Issaries GTA. I will Greatly rejoice. About "Seluros Deguys: Arkat Saga" and Harmast Saga.

8: Who is Emperors of EWF? I heard about them. But I had thought they were Dragon
Sun or Minor Dragonlords of Saird...Truly did Sole Emperor reign whole Realm?
If you know if "he" truly existed in the Means like Style of Dara Happan Monarchy about this and if you make some secret leakage to Non GTA member, I will rejoice and be thankful....I hope.

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