Cost of weapon

From: Joe Mills <>
Date: Mon, 22 Jan 2001 16:59:54 -0400

Mike Dawson:

Here's one thing I know. In SCA combat, where cost of weapons means nothing, there are in my experience exactly ZERO effective spear and shield units. When everyone can choose to have a sword, axe or mace instead of a spear to use with their shield, EVERYONE choses to get a short chopping weapon.


You know, that cost of weapon line is overused, in my opinion. I've read that alot, but how much more did an axe cost as opposed to a spear? The amount of metal used in an axehead isn't loads more than what is used in a spear, after all. And Mike's right, in a scrum, an axe is much more wieldy and deadly. But the spear was pervasive, so it must have had its uses.

Besides the Greek hoplites, were there any other "shock" infantry types using just spear and shield? I can't think of any. And I like to think of the Greeks as just being enlightened about fighting. Loads of armor and an inefficient close quarters side arm combine to equal not very many casualties when hoplites fight hoplites.

In every other case I can think of, the spear is either a secondary arm meant to be thrown, or used by light troops, probably to skirmish/fence with.

All of which means squat in Glorantha where the spear is an effective melee weapon because Yelm was a great warrior.


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