Sartar, Duck Point.

From: Jane Williams <>
Date: Sun, 4 Feb 2001 22:11:07 -0000

Martin Dick says many good things about Sartar: to quote Rule 1: "good show!"

> maybe the Household of Death was one of the reasons for the failure
> ....... By having the heirs swear to Humakt, they may have violated the
> vows/promises of the Founder...

Great idea!

> City 5 - Duck Point - oh well 4 out of 5 ain't bad :-)

Ahem: KoS137.
"Sartar also visited the beastfolk at Duck Point, and built walls for that little city".

Now, admittedly:
"No city ring was set up..."

But he built it. And it was part of the magic, according to KoS214-216. Ortossi's story: the one Argrath uses to prove his descent from the

Colymar. To precis a bit:
"Sartar... was planning to become High King... he had many cities 
already.. said he would like to help the Colymar tribe, and to make a 
city there. Ortossi refused... and Sartar went and made an empty city at Duck Point so he could finish his ritual."

Interestingly, it sounds as if Duck Point was very much second best.

"If you do not do this, then the kingdom will surely be weakened," said Sartar, "And in the seventh generation, I see that disaster will loom over us as well as our descendants."

>From Ortossi: Orendal, Gordangar, Dangmar, Randalyar, Venharl,
>From Sartar: Saronil, Onelisin, Minara, Arene, Yanioth, Argrath.

According to the family tree on page 48, Salinarg is only 4th generation. That side of the family left it a long time before having kids!

Oh, and FWIW, I don't think Sartar was a super-hero. Not at all. The guy turned himself immortal, and was worshipped as a god! That's rather more than Harrek has managed so far. Unless anyone's written the Cult of Harrek when I wasn't looking?

Jane Williams

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