Gods and Genders

From: Frederic Ferro <ferro_at_Princeton.EDU>
Date: Thu, 22 Feb 2001 16:36:32 -0500 (EST)

In GD V8, #270 Peter Metcalfe wrote
> Mralota is a Hsunchen boar spirit and although the Heortling
> Pig Goddess (which would be that worshipped by the Kethaelans)
> would be Entra (the ancient wife of Ketha).

I thought Kethaa was a goddess and Entru a male, based on http://www.toppoint.de/~joe/hchistory-tab.html
> The Goddess Kethaa tamed the wild earth giant (=god) Entru and took him
> as her husband. Their children are known as the Entruli. This people
> later wanders off into the west, where they settle in Wenelia, under the
> lead of Wendel.

Are the Entruli matrilineal like the Esrolvuli? Is it a post-Helm&Shield-Saga myth?

I also read in the new French edition of Pavis for Hero Wars that Zola Fel was female now, like his/her daughter Kinope.

That's a little confusing. Couldn't there be different names for different genders of the same god (like Shiva who can be the lingam and some forms of the Shakti)?



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