Re: Eyzaal

From: Wesley Quadros <>
Date: Thu, 01 Mar 2001 12:53:37 -0800

The Glorantha Digest wrote:

> OK. I was thinking of the following (from the draft):
> "The new faith of Irripi Ontor attracted many minds of great vision and clarity.
> None were more imaginative and unconventional than Eyzaal of Elz-Ast."
> "His senior thesis as to the nature of the universe and the effects of entropy on the
> god plane or the nodal net was so disturbing to his priests that he was cautioned.
> Ignoring their conservative advice, Eyzaal went on to perform private experiments
> into integration and the energies resulting from such activity. During this period
> he met and befriended Makabaeus and several other sorcerers from differing orders."

Paint me an idiot. :-)

I forgot what our write-up actually said about Eyzaal.

You were correct, he was IO but he abandoned his god to pursue his studies as a sorcerer.


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