Re: lycanthropy

From: Tim Ellis <>
Date: Tue, 6 Mar 2001 21:58:14 +0000

In message lycanthropy, Manu writes
>I know that werewolves are Telmori cursed by Gbaji, but how can someone become

Being born to Telmori parents is the normal way. It may be possible to be adopted into a Telmori "Pack". Whether this would actually "make" you a Telmori, or just mean that their Shaman teach you there rituals and how to integrate Wolf spirits, and enable you to learn their secret (and how this differs from "makeing" you a Telmori) is probably a matter for your campaign...

>Is this a kind of disease?


>Can you become a werewolf if you're wounded by a

No, this was never the case in Glorantha. Of course if you *wanted* someone to suddenly turn into a Werewolf you could always have them possessed by some sort of malign Wolf spirit or Telmori Ghost...

>If yes, how can one cure this 'disease'?

If it were caused by possession one would need to find a Shaman or other exorcist to combat the spirit and drive it from the body

>Is there other forms of
>'lycanthropy' in Glorantha?

There are other Hsunchen people, (RQ originally gave us Boars, Bears and Tigers - Deer, Turtles, Horses and more have been added subsequently)

See the Issaries website and particularly

for more details

> Is Lycanthropy related to Chaos?

Hsunchen are not themselves related to chaos, although the Telmori sided with Gbaji, for which they were cursed, and are this chaos tainted

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