
From: Peter Metcalfe <>
Date: Tue, 13 Mar 2001 12:10:10 +1300

Julian Lord:

>Me> until recently, the Solanthi were dominated by the Trader Prince

>Not quite true IMO ; the coastal Solanthi certainly were (and still are).

The coast is stated to be doted with _new_ cities, according to the Genertela Book (p52 - Newcoast description) as these has sprung up as a result of the Opening. The Trader Princes controlled the overland route to Kethaela (look at the location of Bastis - the last remaining Trader Prince - there's a massive mountain range between it and the sea). As a result of the Opening "The center of power has shifted to the towns along the New Coast whose leaders scorn the Trader Princes" (Glorantha: Intro p150).

On the Holy Country Map (RQ Companion), Maldros would be an example of such a city-state. The old demenses of the Trader Princes are the cleared lands described as Solanthi Lands and Ditali Lands.

>But the northern ones (who are quite primitive) are more involved with the
>Arstola elves (frinstance, they have some of their settlements actually
>within the Arstola forest),

And the name of the northernmost settlement is "Tallcastle". Doesn't sound like something that an Orlanthi would build.

> > and much of their sophistication is due to the Trader Princes
> > rather than their being "sophisticated Orlanthi" as such.

>Some more of it comes from their relationship with the elves

The Solanthi war with the elves, they have scant friendly relations.

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